In the mid-late 1990's I worked for a major UK telephone company as a specialist Call-Centre Salesman.
One of the prospects was an offshoot of Lloyds Bank. It was the part of Lloyds Called "Lloyds Stockbrokers".
Well, the campaign to sell the switch/call centre was a long one and it culminated in a meeting just before Xmas.
The great and the good were all assembled for the presentation by the senior account manager as to why buying the solution from us was safe bet and they were in good hands.
All through the campaign duration I had always referred to the client within our happy band of salesfolks as "Lloyds cockstrokers" and right on cue... at the final presentation the sales big-wig referred to them as such.
I was delighted to see the double-takes... but the chairman of said "Cockstrokers" was too busy brushing castor-sugar off his tie from the mince pie he had just shoved in his maw to really protest.
We got the deal...I got paid. :)
Ok I got tricked tonight, my misses made spagball & garlic bread & I didnt have any lunch so
I got stuck right in, was a different sauce from normal anyhoo scoffed the lot with a few slices of
garlic bread...half n hour later she said how was yer dinner with a big grin.
Did yer njoy it.... Oh yes
Would you have again (still grinning) o_O errr yup I would have it again (now im worried lol)
She laughed an said there was no meat in it :eek: bloody wimin gave me a vegetarian spagball o_O
Tis bad news. Yer'll turn unto a bicyclist.

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