I feel really awful for saying this but....
We were sat here in our own front room and a car pulled up and parked opposite our driveway and lads got out.
Soon they were joined by other lads and a fag smoking engine-revving, tyre squealing session ensued.
This is the "mates" of the Chav-Scum family that moved in across the street 2 years ago and now the eldest son has a car and he also sits there just revving the megaphone exhaust for "fun".
A planning application is in for the Co-Op supermarket on the corner to be turned into a "Sports bar" and I know what clientele that will attract and it will have no parking because they are putting 8 flats on the upper floor and the parking on-site will be taken by the flats. So where will the parking for the sports-bar customers (M-S, 10 .. 23:30) be? Yup, on my street.
I turned to my wife and said... "Do you know what?" and she completed my sentence for me...... "It is time to move". After 31 glorious and peaceful years.
We can see where this neighbourhood is headed. :(
Sorry to hear this Dan, your place looks fantastic. I wish you more luck moving than we are having!
Just getting light 'ere now and it is dry and there is a mist lying low in the 'ills. I don't think it is going to be a sunny day though.
A moderate 'breeze has been forecast so I think I had better go round the garden to make sure everything is well anchored before I go away.
It is already mid week so time for all to start planning the weekend's activities. :)
Afternoon folks:).

Was a bitsa day today, nothing really done;).

I have to say the weather has turned and I actually put some socks on today:eek:. took ages to find a pair;).

We have decided the pool will be getting the big blue cover put over it in the next couple of days, that is the end of the summer:(, Time to check the hot tub:D.


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