Have you looked at beartown tyres?


Yeah, odd sizes when I looked, but certainly they're cheap enough. The chap who runs it has been out with us a couple of times and offered a little incentive to buy, but still hunting, but not too exhaustively yet .. :)
One cubic meter of water weighs one ton. The force of flowing water pushing against yer vehicle can easily wash it away. Crossing flowing deep water is dangerous.

Ere is a Freelanderer testing his doors. Unfortunately the camera holder is a right bicyclist as it dun't aways keep the camera pointing at the action. The video editor is also a bicyclist as it has added sections of the Titanic movie.

Please keep watching to the end.

:p :D
Have a good one. .Am having a lie in following my failed 'day off' yesterday. Lunch with my daughter and her beau later. Hope the weather picks up. :)

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