Soooo, yo spent thousands on it and it can now only just compete with a freelander?;)

More like hundreds, and for what I need a vehicle for, the Freelander does not even come close to competing. My 110 can carry twice the load, twice the number of passengers, and tow almost twice as much. As for offroad, the Freelander is left far behind. The reason I rely on my 110 so much is that no other vehicle can do everything I need a vehicle to do. Most 4x4's are more comfortable and better equipped than my Defender, but none of them can match it's load, towing and passenger capabilities, nor it's offroad ability without heavy modification.
Many large vans can carry more passengers and cargo, but they can't go offroad.
More like hundreds, and for what I need a vehicle for, the Freelander does not even come close to competing. My 110 can carry twice the load, twice the number of passengers, and tow almost twice as much. As for offroad, the Freelander is left far behind. The reason I rely on my 110 so much is that no other vehicle can do everything I need a vehicle to do. Most 4x4's are more comfortable and better equipped than my Defender, but none of them can match it's load, towing and passenger capabilities, nor it's offroad ability without heavy modification.
Many large vans can carry more passengers and cargo, but they can't go offroad.

That's fair comment. You need a workhorse, that's why I've got my D2 van, my freelander isn't big enough and can't carry the same amount, likewise the Disco isn't as big as a 110 but that doesn't make it ****:) what I don't get is why peops can't accept cars for what they are a freelander was never designed to tow a 3.5t trailer so why say that makes it ****? Yes it's more road biased which it does very well but it's also surprisingly capable off road. It's very much the underdog but performs very well. Most that knock them know very little about them and have never driven one! Turn up at Eastnor castle in one to do the off road course and you get nothing but respect from the land rover guys who rave about how capable but misunderstood they are. That's good enough for me:D
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That's fair comment. You need a workhorse, that's why I've got my D2 van, my freelander isn't big enough and can't carry the same amount, likewise the Disco isn't as big as a 110 but that doesn't make it ****:) what I don't get is why peops can't accept cars for what they are a freelander was never designed to tow a 3.5t trailer so why say that makes it ****? Yes it's more road biased which it does very well but it's also surprisingly capable off road. It's very much the underdog but performs very well. Most that knock them know very little about them and have never driven one! Turn up at Eastnor castle in one to do the off road course and you get nothing but respect from the land rover guys who rave about how capable but misunderstood they are. That's good enough for me:D
I have driven a Freelander 1, and was surprised with how nice it was to drive, I even made a thread about my experience of it. I also have a Discovery 1 for when I don't need all the load space of the 110, but want more comfort, and a 109" for when I need the maximum load space, or just for fun with the roof off in summer.
well tuther night on me way home dry road but rough and lots of dust dried mud on em (single lane track_ I was doing 30mph ish when a bint in a posh beemer came rounf corner at a similar speed I stamped on brakes and drove up onto grass verge. and got about 5ft past front of beemer. :eek: But in me defense I had a load of air still in calipers from having replaced calipers discs and pads recently. Have now re bled em and got all the air out :eek: and she stops much much better. But ya int gonna stop a 110 that's shifting, in a short distance. If the brakes are really good you'll nose dive at the front, lift the back end and slide if you stand on the brakes or if brakes are " so so" you just won't stop in time. So we compensate by keeping bigger gaps and been more observant of what other traffic is doing.

There's no point comparing a gaylander with a traccta. GL is a family estate car with 4wd (when VCU & IRD int fooked) Tractta is a 4x4 large van. (CSW is just a van derived car)
I can see yer point about leaving bigger gaps and being more observant but the gaps normally get filled by someone cutting in. Especially on motorways. It's still a good thing to do. Being more observant is a good thing too. But when an emergency stop is suddenly required it's all down to the vehicles breaking performance and how it controls breaking. You don't get the chance to see something happen and judge for yourself. It's more a case you apply the breaks straight away as there's nothing else you can do. If that scenario doesn't apply then it's not an emergency stop. Car driving off a bridge above you and landing in your way for eggample. Not something that happens often but it is a proper emergence stop and the sort of situation you couldn't foresee happening unless you have a phobia of bridges.
There's no point comparing a freelander with a traccta. FL is a family estate car with 4wd (when VCU & IRD int fooked) Tractta is a 4x4 large van. (CSW is just a van derived car)

thats the point i've been trying to get across
What I don't understand about the tratterers is the daft response they give to Freelander owners. We have a prime eggsample of a tratterer at work. He talks about racing other vehicles from a standstill up a dual carriageway which converts into 1 lane after the first 400 yard stretch which is up a slight incline. He uses the word hill but it's not. He says know one can beat his 300tdi 90 as it has so much torque/power/whatever. The conversation then gets even stupider when I ask if a twin turbo disco 4 could beat him. Bearing in mind it can hit 60mpg in less than half the time his tratter can. He says no. Not even a jag can do it apparently. I think book time for his tratter's 0 to 60mph is late teens. His vehicle is said to be standard and never wears tyres, brakes, disc's and puts it all down to gearbox breaking. I've driven a 300tdi and Td5 tratter on and oft road so I knows what the speed is like, what they handle like and tried the 0 to 60mph dash in both. He also tells me that Freelanders eat their brake pads/disc's in 2 weeks whilst being used at the LR experience centre in mud cuz he recons that's what one of the trainers told him. Parently it's all down to ABS and ETC which is his view has absolutely no benefits at all.
I have driven a Freelander 1, and was surprised with how nice it was to drive, I even made a thread about my experience of it. I also have a Discovery 1 for when I don't need all the load space of the 110, but want more comfort, and a 109" for when I need the maximum load space, or just for fun with the roof off in summer.
A good honest write up there of yer Freelander 1 experience. The Freelander 2 is even betterer to drive and road handling etc is even betterer to the extent you'd be surprised if they managed to improve it in years to come. Average reliability of the Freelander 2 is much betterer than the Freelander 1 too which is good new. You can always get a bad one but thankfully the faults are fewer.

If only we could have more tratterist's with a similar view of accepting a Freelander for what it is and what it can do, as opposed to the usual crap about doors and supermarket cars parks.
What I don't understand about the tratterers is the daft response they give to Freelander owners. We have a prime eggsample of a tratterer at work. He talks about racing other vehicles from a standstill up a dual carriageway which converts into 1 lane after the first 400 yard stretch which is up a slight incline. He uses the word hill but it's not. He says know one can beat his 300tdi 90 as it has so much torque/power/whatever. The conversation then gets even stupider when I ask if a twin turbo disco 4 could beat him. Bearing in mind it can hit 60mpg in less than half the time his tratter can. He says no. Not even a jag can do it apparently. I think book time for his tratter's 0 to 60mph is late teens. His vehicle is said to be standard and never wears tyres, brakes, disc's and puts it all down to gearbox breaking. I've driven a 300tdi and Td5 tratter on and oft road so I knows what the speed is like, what they handle like and tried the 0 to 60mph dash in both. He also tells me that Freelanders eat their brake pads/disc's in 2 weeks whilst being used at the LR experience centre in mud cuz he recons that's what one of the trainers told him. Parently it's all down to ABS and ETC which is his view has absolutely no benefits at all.

Hmmmm that's really interesting!!!

A good honest write up there of yer Freelander 1 experience. The Freelander 2 is even betterer to drive and road handling etc is even betterer to the extent you'd be surprised if they managed to improve it in years to come. Average reliability of the Freelander 2 is much betterer than the Freelander 1 too which is good new. You can always get a bad one but thankfully the faults are fewer.

If only we could have more tratterist's with a similar view of accepting a Freelander for what it is and what it can do, as opposed to the usual crap about doors and supermarket cars parks.

I agree:D
Hmmmm that's really interesting!!!
It's a conversation we've had many times. Then another pops up (tratterists wife but not related to him) and goes on about having a truck cab and how good is was to stop, drop the tailgate and cook lunch on it. I then remind her of the comments she made about travelling to Scotland in a 90. We're talking something like an 11 hour drive.

Tratters have their uses like any vehicle in the same way Freelanders do. I think peeps should accept Freelanders for what they are, and what they can do, as opposed to what they can't do. I have been recovered oft road on 2 different occasions by slittys. Peeps say they're crap cuz they're none LR vehicles but it's not true. They have an ability and do it well. I wonder if peeps on ere would prefer me to drive a slitty rather than a Freelander?
Ere, vagrant has disappeared again. Have the tratterers ostracized him for selling his tratter or has he broken his probation conditions?
are you lot still waffling on?

You know its pointless and your gaylanders are still ****, no matter how many times you try and prove other wise. :doh:

anyway, As you were. :D
I knows what it sounds like, i as one. Tis a TD5 but it sounds brilliant.

Raw and manly. No Hairdryer sounds or Barbara Streisand in my trator i tell ya :D
Un theres me thinking yer spend quite a bit on grooming products. Or is the face fur naturally that colour?

Ere's an honest view from a seasoned tratterers:

Living with a Land Rover Td5 Defender - YouTube

Td5 Land Rover Review - YouTube

New 2007 Land Rover Defender a Bit More Opinion! - YouTube

New 2007 Land Rover Defender Review Under the Bonnet (Hood) - YouTube

New 2007 Land Rover Defender Driving Along - YouTube

Whats the "transit cup holder" for?

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