Lovely weather here too.
Bin out int garding to do a tiny bit for Wifey.
Spent rest of time playing with my "new " pooter, only to discover that it is older than tother one, only has 320 gig HDD and originally was equipped with Windows 7. Tother'un came with Winders 8

So when the guy who flogged it to me said it was a Windows 10 machine, he was being a bit liberal with the terminology.
Spent AGES searching the house for my big remote plug in Hard drive. Went through every computer bag and briefcase we own, no luck until i had a brain wave and looked in the bottom of my camera bag. There it was.

That little baby has 90 gig. So I could use it to test what will and what won't run on the new pooter. Most things do, so that's OK.
So I am in a dilemma now, as, since I finally had the sense to uninstall the old keyboard on the Samsung notebook, it is behaving fine.
Thinking of flogging the "new" one and looking about me for a proper new one.

If you want a laugh it is called an "Acer Aspire" and no I had never heard of it either. FFS!!!
Having to sit with my dodgy leg above the height of my hip the whole time, is a right pain. And gives me back-ache!
did some research on DVT yessdi and didn't come up with much other than that and "do a bit of exercise".
Have a lovely evening folks!