Usually a hair grip, coin, bra-wire, bit of kids lego etc. in the pump impeller blades.

My son's did the same. We found lots of bobbie-pins, and even 2 hair scrunchies in his pump. Daddy to the Rescue again. LOL.
Hee Hee!!!

Wifey got me blazing angry, by rowing with me as if it was my fault, AND we had a dose of "And another thing"
Lots of shoutiness.
But then after watchin a coupla Youtubes
I discovered you get to the pump through the front!

So got all the panels off and the pump out in the time it took wifey to "do" the dishwasher. (Think anger helped here.)
(I get the feeling I should get a "sustificate" for this!

I too was hopimng for what you said, really suspecting a bra wire as those have been favourite in the past, but no, found two tiny screws and one small nail (Tis Wifey's job to check all pockets thoroughly afore washing, (clothes washing is the ONLY domestic chore she insists on my not doing!) but this sort of stuff can be missed by anyone.) BUT found quite a long silver earing!
However all of these were in the sump tube and had not reached the impellor, which seems to turn fine although seems to go a quarter of a turn then meet a little resistance at each 90 degrees. ???
Anyway, I jury rigged it and switched it on. dry. It span with a faintly weird noise, but it went OK.
Tomozz I will clean it all out properly, connect all the tubes and stuff, put all the plates and door back on.
Then I think I am going to have to make a tool to stretch the spring that secures the front of the door seal, as this part of the job seems to be the worst part of it.
As it is Direct Drive, there was nothing to see as regards drum motor, drive band etc.
One thing peeps might be able to help with. My lovely new impact driver is fantastic for undoing rusty Philip's head screws. but can anyone tell me why it is that the driver sometimes, switches direction? After I have belted it a time or two? Am i holding it wrong while belting it?
(This is a new tool to me, never needed one before, until I got given one, now I seem to use it a lot!

Enjoy the evening peeps!