... here she is all washed and shinyer

Our washing machine has just bruk and barfed a load of mucky watter all over the floor when yours truly was trying to empty it quickerer than it normally does through the lickle tube.
(Note to self, do not under any circs take the filter thingy out early, you can't get it back in until it's clean.)
Nasty noise from what I think is the pump.
Why does Wifey buy Carpets that she calls "mats" to catch all the sh!t off the dogs paws when they come in and then put them in the washing machine cos they are "washable". Damn things are about 2 metres long by 80cms wide.
"Well I've washed them lots of times before and it's been OK.":rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
I went to use my digital juke-box (home made from a Shuttle PC, a touch screen and some software) and the Shuttle just would not power up! :(
The lights would come on, and then go straight out again.
Oh Dear! Decided to yank the shuttle out and take a look at it. Nothing wrong, but it was running with the original CR2032 CMOS battery.
Swapped the battery out for a fresh one and....BINGO! All working again. :) Happy Days.
Our washing machine has just bruk and barfed a load of mucky watter all over the floor when yours truly was trying to empty it quickerer than it normally does through the lickle tube.
(Note to self, do not under any circs take the filter thingy out early, you can't get it back in until it's clean.)
Nasty noise from what I think is the pump.
Why does Wifey buy Carpets that she calls "mats" to catch all the sh!t off the dogs paws when they come in and then put them in the washing machine cos they are "washable". Damn things are about 2 metres long by 80cms wide.
"Well I've washed them lots of times before and it's been OK.":rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Usually a hair grip, coin, bra-wire, bit of kids lego etc. in the pump impeller blades. ;)
My son's did the same. We found lots of bobbie-pins, and even 2 hair scrunchies in his pump. Daddy to the Rescue again. LOL.
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