Anyoo its a lovely sunny day here had my lay in :) and a day off. :D
showered,shaved had my breaky n tea
fink I'll walk up the hill. The misses will want to go Aldi as our local co-op is a bloody fortune
you couldnt afford to fill a trolley ffs.

My dog needs a bath too she's a tad smelly & I'll brush her teeth wi liver flavoured toof paste
as she tries to eat the brush lol

Njoy yer day peeps :):)
Piccys please.:)

Didn’t take a picture of the baby cow but I got the sheep. Lamby was stuck and has a bit of a big heid!

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Hmmmm, glad I don't have to work, sounds rather bizarre!!!

WORK, the curse of the drinking classes. ;)

It is very bizarre.

I’m working on the not working bit, but being so young :confused: I need to save a bit more first! Mortgage was paid off just before Christmas, so I’m piling all the silver change I get into a retirement jar:rolleyes:
Just been looking at the old shed at the bottom of the garden that came "free" with the house when I bought it and it needs a new coat so I fink after eatin' me porridge I'll throw some Ronseal shed preservative stuff at it while the wevver is dry.

It needs replacing but I'll see if I can get another year or so out of it. It's only used to store non expensive items so if it does leek I'm not too bovvered.
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First coat of preservative applied to the shed... it must've been thirsty coz it soaked in to the wood as quickly as I was throwing it on.

This means I'll have to give it another coat :rolleyes:
If you get out your helicopter (someone must have given you one of them for free:rolleyes:) and nip down 'ere, I've got a big and a little 'un and a pair of hardwood gates that need doing - NOW!

When eye bortid me watta butts one of them was split. Replaced for free and told to recycle the split one. Din't have the heart to chuck it oat so eye tried to fix it. Below is a pic of the split in the side of me watta butt:


milliput01 gAGxS6M

Searched the web and found peeps plastic weld things like this. I knew of it but never really tried it on anyfink big. You can buy plastic weld rods or melt a tie wraps instead like eye did. Din't work and was a mess. Pulled oft in one piece as it's wouldn't stick to me watta butt propper.


milliput02 O5tOk34

More web searching and found some milliput. You get it in a park of two half's. Mix equal amounts together until the differing colours become one. Feels like plaster scene. Yer can mould it and push it onto stuff to gerrit to stick. Leave it to go ard. Below is me milliput covering the split on me watta butt. When ard it's quite tough and watta proof.


milliput03 rnrB5va


milliput04 mwTawSB

Under watta anorl:


milliput05 w1JeN7R

Me watta butts started to freeze during the cold wevva earlier this year. 10mm thick ice on the inside of me watta butts. After emptying oat some watta yer can see the ice after eye smashed it:


millipit06 9AZtDCd

Milliput web site:
Switched ont me phooter this mornin and it bleeped 4 times. Power light were flashin orange. Kwick search of the web and it said it could be the bios battery flat or try reseatin the ram memory. I swopped over the battery. Henry cleaned oat some of the dust for me. Powered up ok after that. Eye be pleased.

When cleanin oat the fans wiv henry eye always poke somefink into the fan ter stop it spinnin. If yer make them spin yerself, yer can cause damage. Spinnin thems yerself causes the fan to generate electric which feeds back into the electronics controlling the fan. Thats not be good ferrit and can cause damage.

post 41114

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