Mornin frens. Be drai an cloady doan yer but burds be zingin an garden ztuff be zhootin up laike mad. Us boys be buzy wi zeckaters an loppers. Ave to geddinzide Polly zoon an gedder zortid fer growin ztuff.Us Vreelander be vine bud no zurpraise cuz ee be bestest 4x4 in hole whirl evva.
Yer haf ter buy milliput ont line as few chops sell it. Model making stores only eye fink.

Din't know they opened 24/7. Google ses nuffink about it.
I do not know what "milliput" is but i get two pack stuff from car shops, liquid metal type stuff, which is brill.
They don't open 24/7. I was being ironic, ;)
But I would love to know what "milliput" is.;)
Does yer vac have a spinning roller? Yer need a spinning roller ter scrape it oft the carpet.
Yep, and i change it too.
It does get the other two dogs' hair up, (Dyson Animal) but the white-haired dog's hair is incredibly resistant to being picked up by conventional means. Under a microscope it must have tiny little barbs.
Anyway. We picked up a tip off tinternet, that a squeegee will pick them up, it arrived from Amazon yesterday, this a.m. wifey tried it, and it worked!
So I will be modifying a roller brush, from a Dyson I keep for spares, to take rubber blades and see if that does the job.
Was going to buy a henry charles carpet cleaner for me castle at some point. Borrowed a big rug doctor before and it were good. The smaller on is ont discount int argos un that has gottid me finking. 220 sovs for charles or 250 sovs for a small rug dooctor. Normally 300 sovs.
Have seen this before and think it might well be a good machine. As long as it doesn't break down!
But it we get rid of the carper, not much point, for us, methinks!;)
Have seen this before and think it might well be a good machine. As long as it doesn't break down!
But it we get rid of the carper, not much point, for us, methinks!;)
That something that's bugging me. Henry and his family have a large range of spare parts available. Not too sure how easy it is to get rug doc parts. Taking fings apart to see why they have stopped working dun't concern me. So i will have a go if fails. But it's bugging me that it's 50 sovs cheaper than normal. Dun't need it just yet but ideal time to buy. I like carpets so will be keeping them.

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