Was windy but eye slept through it. Tis all gone now.

Me screwdfix order be ere. Not got the message to say me lock was delivered to the shop so eye just went to see un it was there. They already had me lights. They be spares but eye couldn't resist gerrin anuvva at arf price. Also went ter bnq ferra strip of aluminuiniminum to wrap round me door lock ter stop me doors wobberlin. Just gorra get me blankin plate from other screwdfix morra ont way ter food choppin.
Morning All :D
Couldn't sleep since 05:39 so got up at 7 and got the paper.
Clearup's all done and drinking Coffee. :)
Happy Friday to all you poor working stiffs :)
For us retired folks every day is Friday ;)
I am probably still worriting about me roof build. Silly really, nothing I have ever built has fallen down.
Have a great day everyone. :D
Morning All :D
Couldn't sleep since 05:39 so got up at 7 and got the paper.
Clearup's all done and drinking Coffee. :)
Happy Friday to all you poor working stiffs :)
For us retired folks every day is Friday ;)
I am probably still worriting about me roof build. Silly really, nothing I have ever built has fallen down.
Have a great day everyone. :D
I should get onto Meghan's therapist, oh, sorry, she couldn't find one!;)
Up early (for us).
Orf to orspicle for Wifey's CT scan, sat in car and read a few chapters.
she came out, all went OK, awaitin results.
Drove to M&S foodhall to drop a package off, big queue, she weren't allowed to jump it even though she wasnt' shopping.
Lost three spaces by going to ask!
I read a few more chapters.
She got in there, very few shoppers, system not good!
Got home, breakfast at 1200 hours.:rolleyes:
Then Wifey noticed a diamond had come out of a ring. :(
Worth "about £500":eek::eek::eek:
She looked wherever it might have come out, we tried to pin the time down, I offered to look in sink traps etc.
Then she found it! On the little table attached to her chair where she does sewing etc. she'd seen it on the floor earlier when she had knocked a tin of pins over. she had thought it was a sequin and picked it up as she didn't want a dog eating it!
So a very happy bunny!!! (I think she'll look more closely at sequins in the future.):D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
So good day so far!
Have a nice one folks!:):):)

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