Mate of mine slabbed a floor in a posh house with stone and he used old pennies. grade something listed. Old skool way of doing it. So, good on you! :)
Must admit I was tempted to do the same, though I don't know what coin I would have settled on, maybe 1 French cent (100th of a Euro) as they are small, like an old half new pence piece. ;)
The only thing with the plastic cross pieces is that if a tile isn't exactly straight for some reason you can turn the cross piece sideways on so that you put two legs in the gap, which is just a fraction wider than one leg used the normal way on.
Haven't explained that very well, but the cross section of each leg of a 2mm spacer isn't square, it's rectangular, which can be handy. Not all tiles are exactly the same dimensions and when using narrow grout lines, which do look so much better/professional, you sometimes need to be a little bit more fussy.
From the tone of some posts here I get the feeling that I am in a bit of a minority enjoying tiling.
I never get tired of having a look at the kitchen tiles while waiting for the kettle to boil!:)
2 pee or not 2 pee. That is the question. Yer gorra use english coins. We dun't want any of that forrun muck.
Dull but reasonably clear although we have been threatened with sunshine and …. showers, so what's new, I ask myself. :rolleyes:
in other words, normal service all round.
Enjoy your day folks and to Shimmy, cheer up and just keep looking.:) Something will come along soon.
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