Haha not quite but that's the rear end where the engine was, the w@nkers when removing the engine
just undone the sump an dumped the engine oil into the bilges ffs so we had loads of fires & flooding
some of which were very dangerous scary at times as it was still afloat when doing this. :D

Not the "stern" then?
Or were you referring to one of the w@nkers as a "rear end"?
There is talk of an extension past the end of March but nothing concrete at the moment.
Then expect a deluge of offers. Should be a good thing for you.
Best of luck!
They only have to have made an offer I believe, not that I have been watching this closely.
I think getting a deposit or summat would fix it. That deffo fixes the price. Wifey did it once, the seller then wanted to return it and put it back on the market with a higher price. He got well ffed off when told, he legally couldn't!:):):)
...that I got bored sitting on my fat bum doing nothing and so I had a stab at doing some more of her garden obelisk.
Please excuse the fact that it is hard to see in amongst all the clutter in my little workshop, trike park and general dumping ground.
It is 8mm steel round bar and its hard to weld in such a cramped space, but I am getting there.
I need to bring the top end to a point/platform for mounting a little weathervane she says. :)

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