Check the volts when its running to see if its charging. Eye eggspect yer going to the battery chop soon ter spend some sovs. And get yerself a tarp fer the disco anorl.
I doubt the alternator is up the spout though i can test it I hope, volt meter across the terminals looking for 14V plus?
But I am always scared of doing something to cars with ECUs with a meter.
Simplest to take the batt to my local Motabitz for a proper test. they are decent blokes who usually give me trade discount.
the trouble with a tarp for a Disco is they are so ffing big and thus a bit hard to put on and off, often.
I already have two discos both under tarps, and it is a rigmarole.
Wish I didn't have sun rooffs!:(:(:(
I doubt the alternator is up the spout though i can test it I hope, volt meter across the terminals looking for 14V plus?
But I am always scared of doing something to cars with ECUs with a meter.
Simplest to take the batt to my local Motabitz for a proper test. they are decent blokes who usually give me trade discount.
the trouble with a tarp for a Disco is they are so ffing big and thus a bit hard to put on and off, often.
I already have two discos both under tarps, and it is a rigmarole.
Wish I didn't have sun rooffs!:(:(:(
A volt meter wont harm yer ecu's. Yer just measuring voltage. Tis worth checking yer got about 14.4v across the battery terminals. Above 14v is ideal. Tis probably ok but eye always check first. If yer batteries charging but not holding the charge for enough days then its time ferra new battery.
A volt meter wont harm yer ecu's. Yer just measuring voltage. Tis worth checking yer got about 14.4v across the battery terminals. Above 14v is ideal. Tis probably ok but eye always check first. If yer batteries charging but not holding the charge for enough days then its time ferra new battery.
My thinking too, bud.
The car gets much more use in Frogland in the summer 6 months out almost every day and minimum 10 miles each trip. This winter it has been able to go nearly a month with no driving. Self-isolating/shielding etc. The landy is the same and its batt is no younger. :confused:
I doubt the alternator is up the spout though i can test it I hope, volt meter across the terminals looking for 14V plus?
But I am always scared of doing something to cars with ECUs with a meter.
Simplest to take the batt to my local Motabitz for a proper test. they are decent blokes who usually give me trade discount.
the trouble with a tarp for a Disco is they are so ffing big and thus a bit hard to put on and off, often.
I already have two discos both under tarps, and it is a rigmarole.
Wish I didn't have sun rooffs!:(:(:(

Take them out and weld some steel in. :cool:
Just had the architect round with pics of my new garage....8 mtrs x 6.6m :):)


It aint squint tis the way ive taken the pics of the paper plans o_O :D
An STILL no fonkin snow. :(:(:(
I is not impressed, I was hoping for a snow day at wurk tomorrow an I was gonna **** em all oft by offering to pick em up on the way in. (You has to take your pleasure where you can these days).:D
Bastid Vectis.:mad:
Jip jipperty jip jip jip. :(

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