Eye remember thems long hours if waiting ferran upload to end. The move from 56k modem ont dial-up to 2 meg broardband was unbelievable. Make sure yer phooter dun't fall ah sheep when the screen saver has been running ferra while due to inactivity, causing yer to start yer upload again. If its the same upload file youtube sometimes remembers the first bit when having a second go.
Sounds like she might just need to stroke the caret across the screen from time to time!
Do we still call it a caret?
I am so old!
How did yer gerrit wukkin in the end? Another option to confirm identity?
That is a good question! I just went to bed and forgot it, then, this morning I tried again and found something that said 'use a different email), so I did, using Gmail. Don't ask me how but is let me carry on without adding anything else. I have no idea if they are going to charge me or not, but if they do then they get the elbow.
That is a good question! I just went to bed and forgot it, then, this morning I tried again and found something that said 'use a different email), so I did, using Gmail. Don't ask me how but is let me carry on without adding anything else. I have no idea if they are going to charge me or not, but if they do then they get the elbow.
gmail is the best for youtube as it is owned by google. Hopefully you are sorted now. They should not ask for any payment details if you do not sign up for premium!
It has got Norton running but I can't update it.:rolleyes::mad:

I'm going to see if I can find the Trendmicro thing and run it right now.
wish me luck.
Get talking to norton with the links i gave before. Even though its running, if the definition files are out of date it puts it at risk. After so many weeks its considered worthless if not updated even though its running. It won't take norton long to solve it. In 30mins from now it will be sorted.
That is a good question! I just went to bed and forgot it, then, this morning I tried again and found something that said 'use a different email), so I did, using Gmail. Don't ask me how but is let me carry on without adding anything else. I have no idea if they are going to charge me or not, but if they do then they get the elbow.
Youtube is free. There's a premium option which costs, which removes adverts. Has a few other benefits but not worth it even for me as a heavy user. After yer upload is complete go into yer settings and add yer phone number to verify yer account. In future it helps yer get access to yer account if yer gottid login problems.
It's just ground to a halt, well the maximum security bit, it told me that there wasn't a "supported installation" thing, so "click on a choice after i clicked on close"
so I clicked on "close" and it just disappeared! No icon on the icon bar any more either., except the Housecall one.
We will see what we will see.
the scanner has got up to 3% after 11 minutes. not giving up yet!
Maybe that is why it fecked off!
Was never asked for any dosh!
Leave house call running and see what it finds. Then restart windows. If norton won't connect to the web and update, then talk to norton to get it resolved.

When its sat at the windows password don't log int straight away. Give it time to continue loading before hitting enter after the password is entered. You'll see the hard drives activity led coming on less when its loaded all its drivers etc. Then hit enter.

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