Excellence of German Engineering my ar$e. :mad:
I bought a comfort indicator (3 traffic light LEDS) that indicate the state of charge of the battery and it doubles up as a connector to attach the charger.
When trying to attach it to the 6mm battery connector studs I noticed that in their infinite wisdom the Krauts have made the terminals "locked" by distorting the threads at the ends of the connector bolts so that the nut that does it up tight cannot be removed/lost and indeed you cannot either remove it to place your ring terminal behind it nor can you just run an additional nut onto the stud to secure your ring terminal on top of the existing nuts either.
So I had to file the worst of this distorted thread area away in order to get additional M6 nuts onto the 2 studs. Absolutely bonkers!! :mad::mad::mad:
Not impressed at all. Idjits. ;)

Can't you run a die down it ?
Woop woop
I’m back at depot. It’s still raining
Think you wood worms would have liked some of the stumps at my last collection. Some nice patterns in them

Now giving the lorry a clean of a weeks worth of dust/mud.
Tell us please, why after all the push to become "full members" we can't see your orange badge? Or does putting it up knock another one off?

Highest level shows surely;) bit like medals have a ranking order for display:)

I feel positively discriminated against, no YELLOW "FULL MEMBER" logo for me it seems. LOL

You probably got something unticked in your profile to show your medals:)

... that the garden obelisk making is driving me batty. :confused:
I have no confidence that the garden obelisk I am making for herself will ever look anything other than ruddy-awful.
I have no jig with which to make such a thing (lesson #1) nor the space in which to construct such a 3-dimensional monstrosity.
Here's the 2 ladder sections that must then be joined together in unholy devilish matrimony with cross-pieces to form said obelisk.
I don't have a large enough bench on which to build such a thing as this and it is proving far more difficult than I had anticipated.
To top it all, I am charged with making it pretty on top so as to accommodate a "Dragon Weathervane" :rolleyes:
I know it doesn't have to be "perfect" and eventually it will be covered in vegetations and all my sins will largely be hidden from critical eyes.
As it is 8mm solid bar, I am hoping it won't rust away in 5 minutes like the crap we have bought before. :)

I is pooped. Well and truly pooped. Spent the last 2 days (well 2 x half days :oops:) breaking out a concrete footpath and digging a trench for me new drain to take a rainwater down pipe on a new route. (The old one is well and truly knacked). Pipe is in, temporarily set up and working. And SWMBO has just made a beef stoo so gonna put the nose bag on now :D.

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