Morning All

Had a lie in today after a worrying day yesterday regarding me 'lost' salary.

The salary was arranged to be processed and sent on the 18th January so that it avoided any delays and was in my account well before all my standing orders and direct debits were due to be paid but even after some preemptive phone calls earlier this week to inquire as to its where-abouts I was informed that it had been processed a couple of days later than normal so would be arriving a couple of days late. This was OK as it was still due to arrive on time.

It still wasn't in the account yesterday morning and all my bills had been paid which had caused the account to go overdrawn (which I hate!) so I started to ring around to try and find out where my money was. The bank told me that there were no incoming payments to my account so I called the sending company and they said they would look in to the issue ASAP.

In the meantime I transferred as much money as possible in to the now overdrawn account to try and reduce it but to no avail... I then reluctantly called the bank to try and arrange a temporary overdraft on the account to avoid any charges and my mobile phone then ran out of credit during the call and of course I had no money left to buy any more and I don't have a land-line phone. I did however manage to find £10 in an account so I used that to put some credit back on the mobile phone.

Then to my horror the bank decided that because the account was overdrawn that it would take back several of the earlier payments, including my mortgage, which although brought the account back in to credit meant that I hadn't paid several creditors when I should have.

By mid-day I still hadn't heard from the company sending the money so I called them back and spoke to a different person this time and explained my situation. This time however they seemed to sense my urgency and said she would deal with the issue herself and would call me back in about 10 minutes. After about 5 of those minutes she did call me back to inform me that their finance department didn't have the correct sort code so had been sitting on the payment since I originally requested it to be sent over a week ago. Why they didn't think to call me to check the sort code god alone knows! :rolleyes: (personally, I think this is rubbish as I had already double checked the account details to make sure I hadn't provided the wrong information)

After providing and double-checking all the other details as well, the lady said she would now get the transfer processed urgently and that I would have the monies within a couple of hours. Just shy of two hours later I got a call from them to say the transaction had been processed and the money should be in my account...... It was! :D

So after some internal account transfers, all the monies were back in their correct accounts so I decided to manually make a mortgage payment which the online system would not allow... something to do with the fact that the mortgage account isn't a proper account... arrgghh.

Anyway, by this time the banks were now closed so I just gave up, more relaxed in the knowledge that at least my salary wasn't floating someone elses bank account.

Have a good Fryday everyone ;)
I am so glad you got it sorted @Shimsteriom it is always a stressful time when such things happen :( At least you can breath slightly easier now :) if you incur charges, you can usually get them removed if it is your first time and they can see it is not the usual way you conduct business!!
I've just been on the phone to the bank to get a manual mortgage payment made for this month, so that's sorted now.

Hopefully because the account was only overdrawn for less than one business day they won't charge me.
Morning folks:)

Well considering the sun was out all yesterday it didnt make much headway in the thaw.
Went out to start the fender............ Of course it started:D.

snow 2021.jpg

Let it warm up for a while and surveyed the escape route;):eek:.

Have just come in for coffee, to make a plan. then its of to the filling station for Gas and beer:D (its friday after all).

Dont worry folks i will clean an A4 letterbox so i can see before i leave;).

I've just been on the phone to the bank to get a manual mortgage payment made for this month, so that's sorted now.

Hopefully because the account was only overdrawn for less than one business day they won't charge me.
Iv not got a DD for the mortgage,always make payment on different dates before it’s due.been like this since i was moved jobs. Before that it was every 1/4 this which made the lender scared if a payment was missed.
Guid day
Another groundhogish week comes to an end.
Walked 35 miles so at least keeping fit
And got paid today, despite the company being in administration and staff effectively furloughed, full salary....result.
Zoom call this afternoon with Administrators to find out latest on potential sale or otherwise of company

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