I bought it brand new and it only worked for THREE DAYS, after that it was trouble, trouble, trouble. It only stayed a year and it was px'ed for a 'Beetle' in '66 - that was fun. :)
Just noticed you said you bought it brand new!
I have never been able to afford a brand new car!
(Wouldn't have wanted one neither, too tight!)
Today you'd a bin able to return it, some things have got better.
All of £450 and it cost me £30 to insure it - new driver, first car.
That was most of my month's teaching salary ( £39.)
I bet it was!
I was only 10 in 1965.;)
In 73 I bought my first car, a very secondhand 1963 Mini, £150. insurance was £50 TPF&T but then I had stolen and crashed my mum's car in the middle of the night. (The insurance still paid up but sent me a "naughty boy" letter, would never do that now!) I was earning £20 a week. But I had to pay rent out of my wages. (£6 a week, to my parents.) I ate one meal a day, given to me at work and snacked a bit, (Hotel work.) Filled the tank with petrol paid for from tips.
Frittered the rest away on booze and fags!
I dont have a letterbox... I have a mail box outside on my fence :)
Oh you Merkin you! A mail box where the mail is delivered by the mailman! Yee ha!:D:D:D
Does it have a little flag that tells you it's worth padding down there to pick up the junk mail!?;)

Tis what most peeps have in frog land, with a lock than can only be opened by you or the "postier".
Have to watch they don't get vandalised in the annual "fete"!:eek:
Oh you Merkin you! A mail box where the mail is delivered by the mailman! Yee ha!:D:D:D
Does it have a little flag that tells you it's worth padding down there to pick up the junk mail!?;)

Tis what most peeps have in frog land, with a lock than can only be opened by you or the "postier".
Have to watch they don't get vandalised in the annual "fete"!:eek:

We dont have a flag on ours, the cottage across the road has yin O them an I didnay want to have the
same,we have a glass windi in oors :)

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