We may have to invent a better battery ?

There is a charger now that can recharge a car to full charge from 'empty' in 30 mins ...

So, we're getting there ... same as ultrasonic welding, I learnt that yonks ago, but don't hear much about it now ...
Can't help but feel they have gone pretty well as far as they can, at the mo, in their invention of new ways of storing electricity. And each step along the line seems to use rarer and rarer materials. :(

Get the feeling it will be the generations below ours that will have to tackle it. Maybe they'll build robot mining equipment and send it off to Mars, or even just the Moon, to harvest the stuff they need, if it can be found there, then remotely land em, take em off and return with their cargoes.

Tomorrows World!!

Interesting re ultrasonic welding. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ultra...l,especially for joining dissimilar materials.
2 accas 5 dogs and only one dog won :D
Where do you go?
I went very very occasionally to the track in Poole.
Very funny peeps went there, not me and my colleagues, obvs, (just as a sort of fun staff outing for the IT dept to which I got invited as an honorary member.)
So funny to see blokes getting all excited and screaming "come on number 3" as if they actually knew the dog.
Have some friends who once rehomed two retired greyhounds. Big lazy buggres. I was surprised to discover, and so were they.
But they had to watch them when they were out walking them, if they saw a rabbit!:D:D:D:D
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The B&Q stuff is really good value. Both the timber merch and wicked do different sizes for far more money
But wood can be a right cnut.
I once had to supply some extra wooden flooring to finish a project my mate, who normally never makes mistakes, accidentally under-ordered for me. (He was ordering a humungous amount and getting a good price, so we put my amount in with his.)

I went back to exactly the same merchant and the new stuff I bought, although it looked the same and matched perfectly, clicked into place etc, was a fraction of a mill thicker. I had the choice of use it, or leave an empty patch of concrete under a bed!
In the end I used it and don't notice it now, at least I bought enough to also floor the walk-in wardrobe which I had initially thought to do with a much cheaper option. So glad in the end.
Just discovered that ADAC, the German Breakdown/recovery organisation that we have been with for years, is no longer going to operate outside of Germany.:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
Huge shame. they covered us all year round in both France and the UK for two cars for 109€.:(:(:(:(

This is a fuck, as UK companies will only cover you for 90 days unless you absolutely pay through the nose, IF you can find one. :mad::mad::mad:
Just discovered that ADAC, the German Breakdown/recovery organisation that we have been with for years, is no longer going to operate outside of Germany.:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
Huge shame. they covered us all year round in both France and the UK for two cars for 109€.:(:(:(:(

This is a fuck, as UK companies will only cover you for 90 days unless you absolutely pay through the nose, IF you can find one. :mad::mad::mad:

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