Guid morn

Freezing morn, cars all iced up, will leave the sun to defrost, maybe, although despite a clear blue sky temp around 3 degree at best.

River walk later as yesterday and all days in the week, Cormorant having a rest from fishing

Saw the attached parked around the corner, quite nice Series I or ?
Gude mornin tu us frens.
Uz Debn boys av vrosty grass zmornin an telly wevvaman zay mubbee znow ledda on. Us boys puddun eggztra veed oat fur birds an us chikkins. Us wundrin aboat Edgar an Lord Hippos bobbin an opin they be safe.
Us boys staying ohm the weak end, us zeen lods uv family cars vull uv folks, rufe bockses on, free bycickles on back cummin fru us town lars naight wiv upcountry reg plates. Theym gummin tu em ollyday ohms an us not appy. Be safe, frenz.
Edgar's oat side watchin oat fer the snow. Occasional sight of a bobbin. Think he hides int next doors tree int day. Fer some reason all the burds seem ter av disappeared.

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