Gude mornin tu us frens.
Uz Debn boys av vrosty grass zmornin an telly wevvaman zay mubbee znow ledda on. Us boys puddun eggztra veed oat fur birds an us chikkins. Us wundrin aboat Edgar an Lord Hippos bobbin an opin they be safe.
Us boys staying ohm the weak end, us zeen lods uv family cars vull uv folks, rufe bockses on, free bycickles on back cummin fru us town lars naight wiv upcountry reg plates. Theym gummin tu em ollyday ohms an us not appy. Be safe, frenz.
Morning all :D
Up early as I couldn't sleep.
Funny story... We go shopping Tuesday's AND Thursdays to keep US & the 91 YO MIL supplied.
The MIL phones us yesterday evening (yes, 1 day after we have got all her shopping on HER list) to declare "I've got no Onions, pringles or Toothpaste."
Now, where do you think these things are to be purchased? Hmmm.....:rolleyes: She is such a dozy old bird. She's clearly not thinking straight she keeps doing this.
So muggins here was tasked with going shopping at the "Sainsbury's local" early this morning BEFORE the great unwashed are up and about.
Chilly one this morning too, it is, for sure.
You all have a splendid day. :D
Seems to be very localised snow on me Island as some parts have none and others have enough to force the plod to close some roads because peeps can't drive properly. :rolleyes:
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Wandered out to defrost car. Press the button turn the heaters on full,close door & leave for 5 mins.
Come back still the same amount of frost on the screens.....
Dam these electric cars...must remember to put a small amount of pressure on the pedal to “run” the engine.

at least with a landrover you know no heat is ever going to come out the heater(that’s if it has 1 fitted)

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