Thanks for the reply, looking forward to the pic.
Think they look quite distinctive as they are! And they would shed the watter.
You know what they say, if you can't get rid of a problem, make a feature of it!:):):)

Managed to get a quick pic this morning when grabbing some tools....
My mother used to be a dermatologist.
Among other problems with the job, basically lots of the conditions could not be cured, then.
She used to say that often they would dress some old burd's ulcers and tell her to leave them alone.
And in 5 minutes she have the bandages off and be digging around in them with a knitting needle (how did you know this?!)
Of course after a few sessions of this the leg got so bad that she had to recommend amputation.

So I think Wifey's knitting needles will be safe!:D:D:D

When I broke my wrist I had a plaster cast from my fingers to my shoulder an my arm was bloody
itchy, the only thing I could find was my mothers knitting needles... oh rrrrr scratchy scratchy lol :D:D
Gorrit open, nuffin obvious to be seen. No blown electrolytic caps, nothing clearly burnt/popped/fizzled or in some other way phucked, no loose wires or heat-creeped connectors......but it's toast.
HDMI board (obvious candidate) is a discrete board but.......... they don't make them any more. :(

Looks like it will be heading for landfill, which is a crime against humanity and ecology.
Yer be surprised. Electronic pcb's get ground up into a fine material un heated up in a vat. At different temps different chemicals come oat and seperate. Silver, copper, gold and others. Most of house hold lectric stuff can be recycled.
Choppin be full of surprises. Not many crumpits left. Eye gottid 3 packs. Found some cheap spuds from the daft lookin veg section. Shreddies normally be 3.2 sovs but they gottid the price at 2.3 so eye gottid 4 boxes. Fish int bread crums be 3 sovs ferra box of 4. They be 2 sovs so eye gottid 3 boxes. Nearly paid 0.49 sovs fer me onion as eye purrit through as an orange. Glad eye spotted it. Dint get searched by the scanner police. Home un safe now. Spag bol fer tea. Sat int chair with doors un windows locked un draw bridge up. Walrus be not gerrin me ter nite.

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