Heating bearings trick

Yep well just watched it and he could have put the other bit in the freezer!
Have you tried it?
What about putting the whole thing in a plastic bag then putting it in a panful of boiling water.
Thing I DO like about it is the grease seems to stay put, but then there are always ways round that! If you do it other ways like.
Nite nite time.
So goooo nite everyone!
Well i've already got most of that licked! Gets most of me own meals anyway, or elps Wifey. Gets up every 10 bloody minutes to let the dogs out.
Started dry January last week, also took the liveliest dog for quite a long walk. she pulls like mad so it did my knees in for 3 days!
I have lost weight since last Monday. But still 15 kilos too heavy. :(:(:(:(:(:(.
Would be very happy just to lose 10 kg. :rolleyes:
Tis the right fing to do. Keep at it and yer'll get there.
Wix has delivered me noo tool :). A rammer for compacting hardcore when I'm building patios later this year (when the weather picks up). Means I can do the compaction while standing up - in the past I have used a 14lb sledge hammer as a rammer but that requires a kneeling position and I ain't getting any younger.

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