Freelanderers remember to unplug your curling tongues
He checking for a bit of damp? :D:D
Just noticed that the doors didn't falled orft! :eek::eek:
To quote Happypottymouth, "Gaylanderers Rule" ... is only 11" ;);)
Interesting pic's. Both have a front wheel missing. I wonder if it were missing before the fire or melted/burnt away. Looks like the Freelander burnt out completely till nothing left bar the shell. There must have been some tremendous heat. Tyres gone anorl. That doesn't always happen.
Interesting pic's. Both have a front wheel missing. I wonder if it were missing before the fire or melted/burnt away. Looks like the Freelander burnt out completely till nothing left bar the shell. There must have been some tremendous heat. Tyres gone anorl. That doesn't always happen.

Don't think that one is a Freelander. I was under the impression it is a Disco.
To balance things out I think we need a pic of a burnt RR. Shame to see vehicles wasted like this.

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Yes thats a disco. Yer can tell by the flat bonnet, alpine light holes and rust. The one posted by marmaduck further up is a Freelander.

thought it was range rover classic at first but ur right due to the small windows at the back
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