Good Morning All

Well, that was interesting and I've just resigned :eek::D

When I quit my IT job it was with the intention of finding a job that I actually enjoy and I have not enjoyed a single moment over the past 11hr shift, so when the boss arrived in I had a quick chat and explained that the job wasn't for me. He was very understanding and thanked me for letting his know so quickly.

So, back to the drawing board (again) :D

Sorry to hear it didn't work out :(
My daughters wears contacts sometimes, she made the mistake of falling asleep with them in and one wandered off to the back of the eyeball, most uncomfortable she said and a devil to work back around the front to get it out ...
Yep, that can happen, there was a female on the news not long ago who had lost one round there for years.!!!l
Good Morning All

Well, that was interesting and I've just resigned :eek::D

When I quit my IT job it was with the intention of finding a job that I actually enjoy and I have not enjoyed a single moment over the past 11hr shift, so when the boss arrived in I had a quick chat and explained that the job wasn't for me. He was very understanding and thanked me for letting his know so quickly.

So, back to the drawing board (again) :D
Quick, call the Guinness Book of Records.;)
Sorry to hear that it just wasn't your cup of tea.
Welcome to retiredom.:D
Lately, for some inexplicable reason, I have been hankering for a morgan three wheeler. They is as rare as rocking horse poo and eye wateringly expensive. I think the hooligan element and slightly off-the-wall is the attraction. I've got the flying jacket so thats a start. :oops:
You used to be able to make them, kit car builders used to do a lot, i had a DRK, a Morgan replica and two based on a 2CV in my club. Lots based on motorbike engines that go like the usual off a polished shovel! go for it!
Consider yourself lucky ;)
My Samsung S8+ has just burst apart with a swollen battery. :eek:
It is still working, but clearly the battery is NOT happy. :(
A new battery is ordered and I hope to be able to do the required phone-surgery myself. :)
Eye would put it oat side where it's safe ter catch fire by itself on a slab and not burn down yer new shed. Lithium batteries eggspanding is quite dangerous. They spit fire like fire wuks when they're norrappy.
Good Morning All

Well, that was interesting and I've just resigned :eek::D

When I quit my IT job it was with the intention of finding a job that I actually enjoy and I have not enjoyed a single moment over the past 11hr shift, so when the boss arrived in I had a quick chat and explained that the job wasn't for me. He was very understanding and thanked me for letting his know so quickly.

So, back to the drawing board (again) :D
Crossed fingers for you!:)
Good Morning All

Well, that was interesting and I've just resigned :eek::D

When I quit my IT job it was with the intention of finding a job that I actually enjoy and I have not enjoyed a single moment over the past 11hr shift, so when the boss arrived in I had a quick chat and explained that the job wasn't for me. He was very understanding and thanked me for letting his know so quickly.

So, back to the drawing board (again) :D
Sad news. Eye wud put ere a joke about an IT peep not being able ter do a full nites wuk burrits a bit harsh so eye won't.

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