It is not uncommon for us Tratterers to get the urge to pull over so that we can lift the bonnet to admire the design, artistry and engineerin g perfection that has been condensed into such a wonderfully, visually accessible space!
Unfortunately Hipps, you are of that ilk where you cannot appreciate the finer things in life! :p
That's just an eggscuse fer having to stop regular as the ride is horrible and the drone from yer engine rattling does her head in. :p :D
My injun creates a series of musical notes, which are interspersed and accompanied by the rhythmic percussion of the doors, seats and me pig, alll keeping time!
Andrew Preview woould be impresseds!!!
You Gaylanderers just don't got no class like wot I got an a bun dance of!
My injun creates a series of musical notes, which are interspersed and accompanied by the rhythmic percussion of the doors, seats and me pig, alll keeping time!
Andrew Preview woould be impresseds!!!
You Gaylanderers just don't got no class like wot I got an a bun dance of!
Yer more delusional than I am.

Rhythmic percussion? We talking animal oft Sesame Street knocking hell out the drums? Yer tratters like a tin of marbles rattling in a biscuit tin. And out of tune marbles at that.

When a Freelander engine starts yer knows yer behind the wheel of something special. Not only does the key switch on the electrics, it also unleashes a symphony of refinement orchestrated by electronics. Ere's a video as proof:
(click play, then click the you tube icon and it will play in a new window)

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Yer more delusional than I am.

Rhythmic percussion? We talking animal oft Sesame Street knocking hell out the drums? Yer tratters like a tin of marbles rattling in a biscuit tin. And out of tune marbles at that.

When a Freelander engine starts yer knows yer behind the wheel of something special. Not only does the key switch on the electrics, it also unleashes a symphony of refinement orchestrated by electronics. Ere's a video as proof:
(click play, then click the you tube icon and it will play in a new window)

They really are a magnificent piece of machinery!

No wonder LR sold more of them than all their other fine (and not so fine) products together.:):):)
I is currently stood in me garage with ma hippo waiting for his battery to charge as I deaded it and he dun't want to start without it. That is all.

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