Did it and the problems were, 1/ finding a bit of plain wall wifey had not put a painting or summat on! 2/ not using flash to avoid shadows although the red eye thing worked 3/ making sure the image was of the right density i.e.number of bytes! Even rotating the image really jiggered it! In fact the straightforward pic straight out the camera, even in landscape format with me on my side, seems to have worked fine! As with many things, once done it will be easy to do again!The passport office give lots of (very fussy) information on the Gov. site. I do my own and did hubby's and neighbour's, too. When you submit it on line, it checks it then passes or rejects it and tells you why! I did mine with a digital camera, tripod and timer.
All done on line. But will not be progressed until they get my old one. Luckily kind neighbours will post it for me tomorrow.
First step in journey to long term visas.