Aha... so tagging you several times finally annoyed you enough to make an appearance. :p

Your kind concern is appreciated Sir.:p
They has shifted me day up half an hour an punted me into the workshop ferra few weeks (might be months). So, I is all outta kilter inna mornins (yes, 30 minutes does count, ask the missus) an dabbling onna tinternet in the day int so simple now.. An I is an ickle bit tyider comma neevnin. :oops:
Suffice to say I'm missing all this tosh terribly, you lot are the nicerest.. :)

Tole yous eyes tyid.. :D
Sun been splitting the sky all day here and it was to hot to do anything! :confused:

Went choppin yesdi. They av fings ont sayul but they as taycun the sayul tikkit oft shelf. Eye ad me bleepa so eye cud check pryce. So eye got stuff cheepa than eggspectid. Eye also gottid fool an orses box set fer 30 sovs. Me bleepa stoped wukkin ut till. They gorra nuvva un transfurd it. Then it wantid ter spot check me so they add ter gerra nuvva ter scan 14 eyetums. They did un eye passed. Eye be reddy ferrum as eye filmed me bleepa befor givin it terrum as it dunt let yer see wot yer scanned. Eye as gorra ole int me shoe so eye kant jump int pudduls no mor.

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