Today I as been mostly ripping the sisinlaws decking out ready for a bit of hard landscaping. How do I end up getting all these jobs? Any road up, I had a nice drive out in me fender, the only REAL 4x4 in the hole whirl (except maybe a jerry half track) an it never fails to put a silly grin on me face. Three cans down and SWMBO has got a curry in the cauldron. :D:D:D
Good evening
Loverly drive From Bristol to kings Lynn.then across to Norfolk & managed to get loaded before the up north from here.
Nice sunny day today I think it changes tomorrow
We wanna watch they don't try and keep you to expand their gene pool:p

Not a great change in the land of me duck :D
Sunny day here at Duke towers:cool: I'm off to rebuild the carb on my 2a.
On a plus point I had a covid test yesterday and I haven't bought it back from Spain:D

So can I please ask what that clear test means? Glad you are clear btw.
Do you still have to do your quarantine period?
We have a friend coming for a visit September and we’re considering driving back in early October, so trying to cover options cos we don’t want our friend to get stuck or us if we do the drive when we arrive in the U.K.
We would only plan on being in the U.K. for max of 5days, so a 14 day quarantine is not much good for us.

So can I please ask what that clear test means? Glad you are clear btw.
Do you still have to do your quarantine period?
We have a friend coming for a visit September and we’re considering driving back in early October, so trying to cover options cos we don’t want our friend to get stuck or us if we do the drive when we arrive in the U.K.
We would only plan on being in the U.K. for max of 5days, so a 14 day quarantine is not much good for us.

All it means is I didn't have it on the day :rolleyes: Technically I could have caught it on the way home....
Still got to quarantine but the missus just wanted to make sure
Morning all, I had to go and rescue my eldest daughter after she had a blow out on the A41 last night.
I took a long breaker bar as I guessed the reason she couldn't get the wheel nuts off was the garage had used an impact driver to fit them :(
I had to put a good amount of effort in even with the extra leverage!
Why do they do that?
Anyway, rant over :) have a great day!

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