After a week of alternating between doing nothing and a few odd jobs around Wimblowdriver Towers (on account of the slightly inclement wevver :() I as got into second gear today and done a bit of prep for the final push on me patio walls. Should get them finished this week, but I have done a stock take and reckon I will be one trowel of mortar short of the finish line :oops:.

Pa T is a master bricky, done it fifty years. I don't think he ever got enough gear first time. You're in good company :)
Adda luk ut bugwotch terday. It be not all gud news. Eye fownd top bug as cum oat un looks like below. Eye be very luky ter sea it as 30 minutes layter it be gone. Best of luk me lil fiend. Eye opes yer be ok.


cat07 UygTJEN
It be not gud news erbowt bottom bug. Eye fownd it ad cum out un wunt well. It cort itself int spida web neer by. Still alive but er bit week me finks. Eye mooved it ter some wud ont me dor so it be free frompt web. Am not shor if it gottid cort un struggled un lost strenf or if it be damaged from gerrin oat it's egg. Ah din't no wot ter do so eye gave it sum wata un kept garn bak ter sea if it be ok. If yer put wata by it or blowd gently onnit it mooves it's wing er bit but not much. Ah tuk pic's but eye fink it be nasty ter purrit up ere if it be dyin. Furd bug as not cum oat egg yet.
Morning All :D
Well its day 3 of the "infestation". I have been as grumpy as phuck I think, and I am doing my best to mellow.
I cannot quite imagine what 3 weeks or more of this will be like. :rolleyes:
Cats are terrified. At every opportunity the kids scream and chase them. No wonder Scratchie is crapping herself.
Other than these irritants, its a nice day. Official Haircut @ 10:30 at the barbers (at ruddy last!) :cool:
You all have really splendid days! :D
Daddy building consulting and manpower service was pressed into action today. Firstly to give an opinion on a "structural matter" (a removed wall that was in fact holding a staircase up) Oops! Jon. Then round to Richard to help take down the first half of a conservatory roof with "Mr. Angry-Saw" (chainsaw).

It's such a fun life this retired nonsense. My new haircut is now full of "roof debris"
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