You poor thing, that really is a sh!t day, and you'd only got to lunchtime!
Can't you phone or email for a repeat scrip, if not tis a real shame.
Was there no chance of ringing someone to get them to read the list to you? Before we got deliveries of groceries daughter used to do it for us and we stayed by the phone so she and we could converse when things weren't there on the shelves.
Hope the rest of the day went better!:):):)

I tried the email communication and they claimed they didn't receive it, so, after this happening three times, I abandoned it. Yes, you can phone but only at restricted hours and then it seems to take them an age to answer, if at all.
My husband is at home!! And there lies the problem - what list? I can't find it. It's on the kitchen table - I can't see it. I'll have to go and find my glasses. I'll just be a bit longer 'cos I've found the wrong ones. Right - oh, where have I put the list now? Found it - that's long. And so it would continue until - I can't read your writing etc. Understand now why phoning isn't really a wise idea??
As for the rest of the day, no it went from bad to worse! Yesterday, I left a phone message on my Motorhome dealer's phone asking when they were going to open again for business - Wales is still very much on the verge of thinking about 'opening up. Got an email this morning, although I didn't get it till pm, saying 'We are open'! So I rang to make a service appointment. Unfortunately, the new covid arrangements mean they cannot supply a courtesy car and without that I am completely stumped as we have no public transport. The reason for this is that now they have to take the vehicles in, wait three days before working on them, do the work for one or more days as necessary, and then keep the vehicle for a further three days before it can be collected. This is impossible for me!
I am quite pleased this day is almost over!:rolleyes::)
I tried the email communication and they claimed they didn't receive it, so, after this happening three times, I abandoned it. Yes, you can phone but only at restricted hours and then it seems to take them an age to answer, if at all.
My husband is at home!! And there lies the problem - what list? I can't find it. It's on the kitchen table - I can't see it. I'll have to go and find my glasses. I'll just be a bit longer 'cos I've found the wrong ones. Right - oh, where have I put the list now? Found it - that's long. And so it would continue until - I can't read your writing etc. Understand now why phoning isn't really a wise idea??
As for the rest of the day, no it went from bad to worse! Yesterday, I left a phone message on my Motorhome dealer's phone asking when they were going to open again for business - Wales is still very much on the verge of thinking about 'opening up. Got an email this morning, although I didn't get it till pm, saying 'We are open'! So I rang to make a service appointment. Unfortunately, the new covid arrangements mean they cannot supply a courtesy car and without that I am completely stumped as we have no public transport. The reason for this is that now they have to take the vehicles in, wait three days before working on them, do the work for one or more days as necessary, and then keep the vehicle for a further three days before it can be collected. This is impossible for me!
I am quite pleased this day is almost over!:rolleyes::)
Oh DD I am so sorry! Didn't mean to wind you up.
Hardly dare make any suggestions as you have probably thought of all of them anyway. Do wish you had friends or relations nearby who could run you back and forth to the motorhome dealers. Maybe you could just set yourself up with recovery and just head off in it, unless there are jobs that only they can do before you can use it. I ain't got one so I don't know but I am thinking of things like water, loo, fridge maybe...
I'll toddle off now to put my tin hat on and gas cape. :(
Hope tomorrow is better for you.;)
Oh DD I am so sorry! Didn't mean to wind you up.
Hardly dare make any suggestions as you have probably thought of all of them anyway. Do wish you had friends or relations nearby who could run you back and forth to the motorhome dealers. Maybe you could just set yourself up with recovery and just head off in it, unless there are jobs that only they can do before you can use it. I ain't got one so I don't know but I am thinking of things like water, loo, fridge maybe...
I'll toddle off now to put my tin hat on and gas cape. :(
Hope tomorrow is better for you.;)

Sadly both hubby and me are the ends of our eras!!!! I lost my only sister just before Christmas but as she didn't drive anyway, lived over in Worcestershire and was even older than me and housebound, she wouldn't have been much help!! Although we do have many friends, some from decades ago, there are none living in this vast area - one of the penalties of moving about the country with our jobs!! It has to be said that this is probably the first time this has happened and, fortunately, we don't get a pandemic very often! In our little hamlet we are all in the 'aged' band!!
The MH service is just for general maintenance of the habitation area so as to ensure water ingress is not evident. I think it will be sold anyway as my hubby just can't manage the travelling life any more, so it really can wait for its check/any work.
Morning all. It's grey, dull and damp out there and the wee one just dropped 'is pillow, turned around and went back to 'is bed - that says it all. Little do the canines know, and I'm not telling them yet, but it is the annual bath day today. Haven't got time for my daily return to the pit as I need to have an early breakfast before taking the canines out and then to the groomers, all for 10am.
Fingers crossed that today runs more smoothly than yesterday but, as I can't do much about it, I will just plough on. Hope you day goes well, too.:):)
Morning All :D
Mr. Sunshine is back today. But maybe not for long. :)
Msg from my youngest Son.."Can you help me fix my tumble-dryer, there something caught in the belt and it is making a horrible noise?" :(
There goes my free Wednesday. LOL :)
Paper retrieved from the Covid-19 shop and the cats fed & watered. Dishes all put away, paper read/scanned and coffee is going down a treat.
The weekend was a rather heavy one with my sister here and I have put on a pound. Never mind, I will soon work that off.
Starting a new trike build today....maybe.
Have a great day everyone! :D
Son isn't missing a cat is he? o_O
Nope, as I predicted, the rear bearing to the drum had seized and the motor & belt had torn the other side of the bearing mounting off the back of the drum. It is machine riveted and not bolted and all the holes in the bearing housing were now 3 times the required size and the whole thing had come off the back of the drum. New dryer time. Told him to buy the same one and strip the parts off this one (motor, element, timer etc.) as spares. It has been good value, it has lasted 4 years with a young family washload to dry.
Nope, as I predicted, the rear bearing to the drum had seized and the motor & belt had torn the other side of the bearing mounting off the back of the drum. It is machine riveted and not bolted and all the holes in the bearing housing were now 3 times the required size and the whole thing had come off the back of the drum. New dryer time. Told him to buy the same one and strip the parts off this one (motor, element, timer etc.) as spares. It has been good value, it has lasted 4 years with a young family washload to dry.
the same machine is still available!? I bet its all different inside LOL
I've never owned a dryer, it always goes outside on the line! but if its wet then hangs inside, use a dehumidifier if i need it dry quick
Had a play with my new toy :)
In the lathe.jpg

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