So, I got a call at wotk today.
"I'm going mad. I've let myself in the house, an now my keys have vanished. I'm afraid I left them in the front door an someone has nicked them!"

Got a text an hour later. They were in the compost caddy in the kitchen :confused::oops:o_O:rolleyes:

Cheer up @derwendolly an @DanClarke
You're not alone :)
Had a colleague who used to lose her keys, car, home etc all on one ring, at least once a week.
In the end I took her to one side and simply said "Whatever you do, whenever you put them down, ANYWHERE, look at them. then your visual memory will rmember the surroundings as well as the keys."
It worked pretty well, her "lost'em again"s went down and down.
Now all I've got to do is train wifey. As it is whenever she loses summat I find it for her, just takes seconds usually. :rolleyes:
Ex-wife was distraught one day when staying at my Dad's. She'd taken her engagement ring off to do/help with the washing up. Went to where she had put it, couldn't find it. Tears for a long time, eventually found it. She'd put it in an empty butter dish. My bro picked the dish up and put a pack of butter in it without looking!
But your wifey's keys could well have got seriously lost if she'd emptied the bin.:eek::eek::eek:
So, I got a call at wotk today.
"I'm going mad. I've let myself in the house, an now my keys have vanished. I'm afraid I left them in the front door an someone has nicked them!"

Got a text an hour later. They were in the compost caddy in the kitchen :confused::oops:o_O:rolleyes:

Cheer up @derwendolly an @DanClarke
You're not alone :)

Mine started off by forgetting to pick up the long shopping list off the kitchen table - long because it is the once a week shop that us oldies are allowed out. I tried to put this out of my mind as I continued with the dog walk, thinking about what was on the list.
Finally got to the Co-op and walked around trying to check all the shelves in an attempt to not omit any required item. Trolley filled to the brink, I joined the queue to pay. All went well although it did take a lot longer than usual. I am a bit OCD about packing as I want all similar type items in the same bag, but, for once, the very young lady on the till did not throw everything down the 'shute' at breakneck speed and seemed to appreciate what I was doing.
By now, the morning was ticking on and the poor dogs still hadn't had their breakfasts and I was very much aware that they would be getting restless as they sat in the car waiting for me. All six shopping bags filled to the brink, I got out my purse, opened it up, took out the debit card and the Co-op discount card which I handed over to the young cashier. I reached forward to put the debit card into the machine when whoosh! The lights went out, the computers went down and we all looked at each other. The supervisor came over to inform me that everything would have to be re-booted and all transactions would be terminated and would need to be re-done. Oh, that would not be possible for another 15 mins 'cos that is how long it takes for the system to come back into action. By this time, the next person in the queue had moved forward and loaded his shopping onto the belt so it was 'fast rewind' for all!
I was now another 45 minutes later than planned and I still had to go to the quack's to put in my repeat scrip. Nowhere to park at the surgery but I solved that problem by just blocking the whole place and dashing out to put my prescription into the designated box. The box is INSIDE the porch area and to reach it one has to join the very long, socially distanced queue of people who have to wait to get attendance. That was a step too far, I simple announced to all that I would be jumping the queue to put the script in the box! Thankfully, nobody moaned.
By the time I got home it was 1pm and the dogs had designs on my future! They devoured their meals and after unloading the shopping, I set about checking the forgotten shopping list - I had still forgotten eight things!! I gave up.
Doctor rang tonight to organise blood test for the medication I’m on. So Asked for a Saturday appointment as some of us work all week.
Their reply was we don’t work weekends.
I then Explained read my notes again & tell me what medication I’m on.
Phone goes quiet....
Hello...I’m not on anything therefore do I need a blood test?
Polite goodbyes & off they went
Eye as fownd me screwdriva bits. When eye bort sum mor they be int rubba pakit. Eye rememburd eye moovd em terra pink bag. Luked int me bags ov screws un they be thar. Dun't matta as eye will need em int fucha as they sumtimes snap.

Me sparas be bak. Me fayverut lil wobberly won be bak anorl. They seem er bit more scard than usual so eye fink sumfink as append. E still be wobberly but ok un eatid me wurms.

Blak burd kept erpearin un scarin me sparas erway. So eye go ter frod dor un scare im erway. But when eye be not thar e must be gerrin clowsa ter sea if eye be thar. Terday e wer doing this un not moovin until eye went out. Ah fink e wur givin it the biggun. Eye dunt lyke it when the big burds pick ont lil wons.

No change ont bugwotch. Still angin tup. Disco lights cummin frompt won ov em.
Mine started off by forgetting to pick up the long shopping list off the kitchen table - long because it is the once a week shop that us oldies are allowed out. I tried to put this out of my mind as I continued with the dog walk, thinking about what was on the list.
Finally got to the Co-op and walked around trying to check all the shelves in an attempt to not omit any required item. Trolley filled to the brink, I joined the queue to pay. All went well although it did take a lot longer than usual. I am a bit OCD about packing as I want all similar type items in the same bag, but, for once, the very young lady on the till did not throw everything down the 'shute' at breakneck speed and seemed to appreciate what I was doing.
By now, the morning was ticking on and the poor dogs still hadn't had their breakfasts and I was very much aware that they would be getting restless as they sat in the car waiting for me. All six shopping bags filled to the brink, I got out my purse, opened it up, took out the debit card and the Co-op discount card which I handed over to the young cashier. I reached forward to put the debit card into the machine when whoosh! The lights went out, the computers went down and we all looked at each other. The supervisor came over to inform me that everything would have to be re-booted and all transactions would be terminated and would need to be re-done. Oh, that would not be possible for another 15 mins 'cos that is how long it takes for the system to come back into action. By this time, the next person in the queue had moved forward and loaded his shopping onto the belt so it was 'fast rewind' for all!
I was now another 45 minutes later than planned and I still had to go to the quack's to put in my repeat scrip. Nowhere to park at the surgery but I solved that problem by just blocking the whole place and dashing out to put my prescription into the designated box. The box is INSIDE the porch area and to reach it one has to join the very long, socially distanced queue of people who have to wait to get attendance. That was a step too far, I simple announced to all that I would be jumping the queue to put the script in the box! Thankfully, nobody moaned.
By the time I got home it was 1pm and the dogs had designs on my future! They devoured their meals and after unloading the shopping, I set about checking the forgotten shopping list - I had still forgotten eight things!! I gave up.
You poor thing, that really is a sh!t day, and you'd only got to lunchtime!
Can't you phone or email for a repeat scrip, if not tis a real shame.
Was there no chance of ringing someone to get them to read the list to you? Before we got deliveries of groceries daughter used to do it for us and we stayed by the phone so she and we could converse when things weren't there on the shelves.
Hope the rest of the day went better!:):):)
It gets emptied into the garden composter, so they'd have turned up.
Either when they clicked on going in the bin, or later after I'd changed all the locks :oops::eek:
Our composter bin int kitchen goes into composter bin outside back door, brown job which goes out with other wheelie bin every Friday. So that's where it would have got lost in our house! You is greener than us!
Then we don't garden here int summer as we int ere!
Doctor rang tonight to organise blood test for the medication I’m on. So Asked for a Saturday appointment as some of us work all week.
Their reply was we don’t work weekends.
I then Explained read my notes again & tell me what medication I’m on.
Phone goes quiet....
Hello...I’m not on anything therefore do I need a blood test?
Polite goodbyes & off they went
And think of the years they study to find out they can't read or think!
Our lives in their hands!:(:(:(:(:(
Eye is still avvin problems wiv gerrin me paynt ter dry. Eye has bortid outdor paynt. The unda coat is runny. The gloss coat is like cottage cheese un not runny but easily spreadabul. Eye is wonderin if unda coat should be like cottage cheese anorl or runny. Wot does yer fink?

Eye is payn-tin wud. The cut ends seem ter soak int paynt and needs covurd again many times befor it is all white. Is there sumfink else eye shud use ont cut ends before unda coat ter seel em fust?
Thar be lowds er questions eye need ter ansser befor eye can go bak ter wuk. They be worrid erbowt me mentil elf. Eye teld em eye fink e's er nutta. They asked why. Eye teld em thas wot tuvva peeps finks anorl. Eye gets the feelin they wun't eggspection un-normul problums ter not solve.

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