Sunrise was lovely but since then it all seems to have gone downhill.:rolleyes: The damp ground hasn't stopped the wee one going out with 'is pillow though. Me and the big 'un are in our pits, me wi me cuppa and him snoring away peacefully - a lovely sound!
The wood pecker season is well underway with at least three different families ensuring the peanuts disappear at an alarming rate.
Enjoy your Sunday and I hope you are all able to complete whatever you have planned.:):)
Morning All :D
It looks like it will be another lovely day today. :)
I got up earlier than I needed to because the bed was making my back ache.
I've done all the morning "duties" and am now on my second cup of java.
I have a ramp to make for the lawn-mower to be wheeled up into the shed on, and herself wants to put some "frilly-bits" on the shed to make it look pretty. :rolleyes:
I am looking forward to transferring stuff from my workshop to the shed, it is going to give me so much more room.

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