'ate to have to tell you but you will be doin' that for a few months more.:)
Yup. Eye has hadda brake frompt dor makin. Eye as reeleyesd if eye pull me weeds oat when it as raynd then the root cums oat anorl. When they snap ah can pull the root or wobbul the grand wiv me fork un the roots cum oat. It beer mayzin ter a lil hippo ter find this oat. Ah din't no nettle root travuld so far. They be an inch or tu unda grand un up ter tu fut long. Then they pop up ernuvva stork. Bastids.

Update 11th June 2020:

In the early part of the day the weather was a bit "dodgy" with a dampness and a chill and the odd spot of rain and I waited for it to brighten up before I could really get out there and get stuff done.

The later part of the day 11AM till 5PM was spent fitting out the shed with a bench and shelves made from leftover pieces of the main structure's build.

I am very pleased in that it has gone exactly to plan and there is now a decent 8 foot by 2 foot bench-top and at least 24 square feet of shelf space in the first pass and the first level. More shelving will go above this so eventually there will be over 100 Sq. Feet of "off the floor" storage as well as the whole floor area.

Here are some pictures of the close-of-play state of the inside of the shed (please excuse the untidiness, I am shuffling stuff all over the place to work on each wall as I go round the room).


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