I forgot to say this morning that the "Wednesday weigh in" figure was 12-6-2. :D
I am really pleased with myself for getting this far. That's just over 35 pounds of lard removed from my previously corpulent carcass.
A bit more to do yet, even though my better half has declared that I am starting to look "scrawny" :eek:
Good evening from Membury(old WW2 glider air base)
Nowhere exciting today. Weather been on/off rain but iv not got wet :)
Fun when your satnav send you down roads like these & locals are speeding round the corner
The valley of horses... still a nice place to pass through. Normally go that way in the old landrover heading towards Newbury.
I used to have a sticker on my old land rover saying just that! It was certainly a lovely valley but I left over 25 years ago so I expect that it, like everywhere else, has changed. The main problem was the strings of horses going along the roads to and from the gallops - very temperamental little things they were!! I think they have now been diverted on to tracks through the fields. Next time you go, look out for Eastbury!
Terday eye as bin pullin oat weeds. Ah wur trying yer gettid roots anorl this time. Me bobbin be norra bowt until the very end when he be singin int tree ut bottum of gardin where we be pullin. But me nu bobbin from tu gardins darn wos thar. He be thar frompt start. Gerrim quite close anorl. When ah pulled sum eye wud purrem int wheely bin un stand waytin ferrim ter do is serchin ont grand then continue when he flowd oat the way ter tree. He even landid ont me bin a few times.

He be gerrim a lot closa as we wuked. As me weedin area got biggerer eye cud continue wile he was wurkin ont fust bit. Eye were purposly turnin ova rowman briks ah gottid fer eggstra eaterbuls ferrim un when he gottid sumfink he haddit imself or flowd of ter tother gardin where eye finks he assa nest, then cum bak.

Eye wur ignorin im wukin by me un at won point he were tu fut erway frompt me ont grand when eye turnd rand ter go ter bin. So eye adter start standin up un turnin rand then lukin ter sea if e be thar so ah dint stand onnim. E flowd oat the way when ah walked bak ter continue but not far. Burrit wur nice ter sea er fellow animal wukin wiv me int saym area. Ah gottid pic's ont fone witch eye will shows yer when am bak ont me puta. It beer shaym ah dint av wurms int me pocket ferrim. He even flowd darm from fence ter tu fut int front ov me ter luk when i be stud by me bin lukkin ter sea where e be. Got me fone oat but e then moovd. It felt like he be me fiend so eye be appi.


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