What's fer lunch?

Hippo sandwich
Recipe For A Hippopotamus Sandwich
A hippo sandwich is easy to make.
All you do is simply take
One slice of bread,
One slice of cake,
Some mayonnaise
One onion ring,
One hippopotamus
One piece of string,
A dash of pepper —
That ought to do it.
And now comes the problem…
Biting into it!
Sainsburys red label for for me.

Looks like threatening to ban the tratterers has cleared them all oft. :pound:
Morning. Kettle is on an I've brought more tea and coffee.

I've asked her indoors to knock up some bacon sarnies as well!
Had a part replaced in my combi boiler today. Engineer managed to switch the heating onto timed. It's been belting out for about 1/2 an hour. All the windows are open and I still feel like a lobster that has been chucked into a panic boiling water. :(
Good grief, this Fred hasn't had it's breakfast today?! Or lunch or tea? What's going on??

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