And a good morning to you all. The sun is out but the warnings for a cooler period are certainly there.
Yesterday's rain has made the garden look nice a fresh but there is still plenty of work that needs doing in that department.
I'm hoping for a few hours of heat from the sun so that my very wet car inside dries out thoroughly - note to self - DON'T FORGET TO CLOSE THE ROOF AND WINDOWS.:rolleyes:
Enjoy your Sunday folks.:)
It's a D4 so nothing is removeable! :rolleyes: My biggest concern is for the gear console area (it's an auto) which really did get a soaking,:( the seats are leather so I was able to just dry those with a cloth.:)

See if you can get some de-humidifiers or make your own with some cat litter in an old sock, it really does work ...
Is this advert a joke...brilliant

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Morning All :D
Been up for an hour, cleaning up the mess (
) the Cat made (mostly), she's living on borrowed time Grrrrrrr... :mad:
One coffee has been drunk and another is definitely required.
A grey and cool day (as forecast) so I am glad I did a trike ride in the hot sunshine yesterday. :D
The Python Trike is completed and I am thinking what next to build (the devil makes work for idle hands/minds).
Have a fantastic day.
Won less caravan ont road be wurf it.

Shame ter see the press garn wild erbowt unlockdown un peeps garn abowt life as normul int park ont telly. Un yer ere peeps moan erbowt the uk nanny state jt get erway wiv wot they want.

Soon be chrispmus but if we dunt get are int order then that be canceld anorl. Stay ome freelander gang un dunt go oat.
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Bloody right, bleeding papers have been going on about the relaxation of lockdown like it's effectively cancelled from Monday and peeps have been getting emboldened by same. They're gonna be surprised when all that's announced is an extra walk in the park a day.
We aren't through this by a long chalk I'm afraid.

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