Us boys do only ev Insanesburys. Uvver zoopermeercats be mailes an mailes aweigh. Proper proud youm all thinkin' uv us boys.

There's a farm shop on me way to work. Is a bit out there and they're crying out for trade. Fresh fruit an veg, bread, flour etc an peeps just aren't turning up coz of social distancing and overzealous coppers. If you can't get flour at insanesburys then surely it's necessary to go little further afield?

Jus sayin..
Gude mornin orl. It be dri agen doan yer wot be a gude thing. Us boys assembled half uv a chukkin coupe yesday an intend geddin him vinished turday. So us be eatin toast an drinkin coffee then us be oat tu wurk on us erection. Us ev firmed this up wiv the Doris an her be avvin hand in it tu. If er holds tight tu base uv erection then us boys can ev both ands free fer the top an get vinished kwicker. Us'll need bonvire vur cleerin up mess, simly.
Morning All :D
A bit dull & overcast here today (but not raining yet).
That first hit of First coffee is going down really well :)
I am getting used to this Wake/Coffee/Treadmill routine (it is beginning to sound like a "workday" with this description).
But it is actually quite good as it gives structure to my day and I am getting lots of exercise and it gives me time to think about what I will do for the rest of the day.

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