Gude mornin frens. Us boys ev luked at telly an decyded as ow sum bloke ev bin in us owse overnaight an bent all hour ands on us clocks. Us went to shed, av got plyers and be bendin em back agen. Zum volks can't elp but interfere. Tiddun their fault though, twas probably way parent brought em up. Us boys be big enuff tur forgive.
Gude mornin frens. Us boys ev luked at telly an decyded as ow sum bloke ev bin in us owse overnaight an bent all hour ands on us clocks. Us went to shed, av got plyers and be bendin em back agen. Zum volks can't elp but interfere. Tiddun their fault though, twas probably way parent brought em up. Us boys be big enuff tur forgive.
Strange that 'cos we've 'ad a visit from the same bloke.o_Oo_Oo_O

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