Many olds are gunna get caught out with that ...

We had a TV Licensing one do the rounds ...
I just 'ad one from Barclays fraud prevention telling me to ring a number urgently. To be sure I rang Barclays on their Direct 0800 number and the nice young gentleman traced it through and found it was genuine. He solved the problem as it was Tesco wanting their money for my today's delivery and he unblocked it! All systems go!:)
I just 'ad one from Barclays fraud prevention telling me to ring a number urgently. To be sure I rang Barclays on their Direct 0800 number and the nice young gentleman traced it through and found it was genuine. He solved the problem as it was Tesco wanting their money for my today's delivery and he unblocked it! All systems go!:)

That saved a wait and the anxiety ...
And if we need to go we can get there ourselves :p

Well that be me sent ome frompt wuk ter wuk ut ome. Burreye as add ter go back un copy lotser stuff oft serva un ma tinternet be taykin too long ut ome as it be cutterin oot so eye is now sat ootside wuk ont wall connectid ter wuks whyfy. Eye be int shade un wotchin the buds.
Us boys be finkin uv burds. Us wuz doan garden veedin chickens an sore us ev bobbin uv us own. If yer ax yer bobbin wot is name do be, us kin inkwire if ee be related. In times uv ardship us shud try tur kip families turgevver.

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