After not being able to eat proper food, and losing the desire to even want any at all, we have just had a phone call cancelling my husband's final dental appointment when he was due to pick up his replacement lower teeth.:( They do not want any old people in the surgery. I do fully understand the dreadful situation we are in but I have grave doubts that he will still be alive in four months as he has already lost over a third of his body weight and as each week goes by he is getting thinner and weaker, he is now little more than a bag of bones.:(:(:(

Husband phoned the dental surgery this morning to confirm that 'the teeth' were now available - they are.
Now, he asked if they would post them - no
would they put them outside at a set time ready for me to collect - no
many reasons/excuses given until they finally said that the chance of them being right without them being 'fitted' ie filed down where they 'catch, was low, to which my husband replied that the chances of them fitting when they were being held in their drawer for however long was even lower ie. NIL!
Eventually, they agreed that they would bag them up and put them outside if we rang them to say that we were sitting in the car outside.

I DO UNDERSTAND THE DIRE SITUATION WE ARE IN but can't help but think we have come up against a 'job's worth'. This is not a town or city of millions, it is a rural area with few people and at no point were they being asked to be in contact with anyone else!
Husband phoned the dental surgery this morning to confirm that 'the teeth' were now available - they are.
Now, he asked if they would post them - no
would they put them outside at a set time ready for me to collect - no
many reasons/excuses given until they finally said that the chance of them being right without them being 'fitted' ie filed down where they 'catch, was low, to which my husband replied that the chances of them fitting when they were being held in their drawer for however long was even lower ie. NIL!
Eventually, they agreed that they would bag them up and put them outside if we rang them to say that we were sitting in the car outside.

I DO UNDERSTAND THE DIRE SITUATION WE ARE IN but can't help but think we have come up against a 'job's worth'. This is not a town or city of millions, it is a rural area with few people and at no point were they being asked to be in contact with anyone else!
what had they got to lose leaving them out for you to pick up,as you say no need for contact,its go to be obviously urgent he gets his teeth perfect or not
at least thats a result ,unfortunately common sense isnt allways as common as youd hope
Teeth collected. I phoned from outside and was very tersely told "They're in the porch on the window ledge". Bang. receiver put down!! They were in the little poly bag they came from the labs in - no name ,no other packaging. My biggest regret is the amount of money we have paid over to them in the last 4 years.:(
Teeth collected. I phoned from outside and was very tersely told "They're in the porch on the window ledge". Bang. receiver put down!! They were in the little poly bag they came from the labs in - no name ,no other packaging. My biggest regret is the amount of money we have paid over to them in the last 4 years.:(
They're probably concerned they may rub and cause a saw or blister. They probably just wanted to be able to check they fitted ok. If they dunt then eye've gorra a file and eye made some gloves ooter crisp packits ut wuk ferdey.

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