Gifts not to bring back from Scandinavia, number two.
A nice bar of choccie wif lumps
Hardly the spirit of dig ger britain
Fuk oft. Eye can finish me wires un fix me garrig dors. Re does the sillycon ont windas. Wash windas un plastic bits. Clear the gutterin un pull oot the bricks above the frunt winda that be not needed un bendin it. Replace me brokd flower buds. Spend more time wiv me bobbin. Wash un vac ma ippo. Ah wunt av time fer wuk.
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Fuk oft. Eye can finish me wires un fix me garrig dors. Re does the sillycon ont windas. Was windas un plastic bits. Clear the gutterin un pull oot the bricks above the frunt winda that be not needed un bendin it. Replace me brokd flower buds. Spend more time wiv me bobbin. Wash un vac ma ippo. Ah wunt av time fer wuk.
Wuk shud beer priority befor all that.

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