Mornin' all.
It's dull oot there but. as yet, not rainin! Wee ones oot wi' 'is collieflower pillow and seems 'appy enough.
Normal service for the big un and me. Today is, yet another, dental visiting taxi day wi' 'usband.:(
Me frog dors be tyte un secore. Eye be ended tup dowin it int dark as eye was hocupied wiv feedin me bobbin. Bobbin traynin not be garn well recently. He binner bit cryut. Not shore iffey bin away ferra few days ont wollydey.

Ah bin tryin ter feed im frompt me tubber wurms int me and. They be frompt me new tub. Oldin tub oot ter see if he be interestid. It be not garn well as he hops oft fence int naybors gardin intstead. Or just flies oft. So ah gave tup ferra week assit be dowin me nut. The ungratful lil Twenty sovs ah paid fer new tub ov 1.5 keylow ov wums. Thar be mullons int thar. That beer commitmint to our feindship.

Saterdey eye were oldin tup tub ut arms lenf ter avva nuvva go burrit be not wuked. Eye finks he beer bit scard ov me still. Tis unda stanabul. He probberbly int seen an ippo before. He kept lukin ut me brick fer wurms un din't unda stand eye add me tub int me paw. Int week eye just put wurms ont flower but saterdey eye kept em wiv me.

Sunday worran eppik traynin day. Free ours messin wiv the lil Eye were flowin im rand gardin oldin oot tub. Sumtimes he be int cherry tree tup singin. Ah held oot tub un he wur lookin arrit. Totha times he be darn bottom ov gardin singin int naybors bush so eye eld oot tub frew fence ole. E knows eye be thar un cud see me. He wos lokkerin oot fer wurms int grass. Got one anorl. Sumtime movin erbowt int tree. Not shore if eye scared im. He kep singin.

Tovva times he be tup near me castle ont fence or ont me burd ouse. Ah gorrim lukkin but no luk. If eye luk rand attim he be purroft. But ont two o'cayshuns he cum darn fromt cherry tree un flutterd near me tub. Must av bin twelv inches erbowt. Ah luked rands un e flowd oft. Layter ont we be darm bottom ov gardin wivvim int naybors tree singin. Wher ah gorris ertentun he went fer me tub afta movin int tree ferra betterer luk. Ah wunt lookerin so ah dunt know worrappened. It wos sow qwik. Ah felt im wak me tub so ah finks he tryd ger land onnit. So that be the closist we gottid.

Then eye made the mistayk of gerrim me pro go and tryin ter film im land int me tub
oldin oot tub wiv one arm and pro go int tovva it oppodit derectun. Eye be lyker scar krow ippo. That done it. He be well purroft by me pro go. Ah finks he be finkin it bad assit luks lyk its gorran eye. Ah messed erbowt ferra whyul but he be flowed oft much qwaker now as eye got me camra oot.

So ah gives tup. Later ont when eye were dowin me frog dor he beer bowt singin so eye adda nuvva go un it be not resultid. Even layter ont he landid ont me garrig ruf by me singin. Ah luked rand and he be flowd oft. Am nut shor iffit be linkd terran inttruda as thar beer lotta singin ferrabit un buds moowin int trees alot. So ah messed it tup that day. Eye new ah mader mistayk avvin me camra so eye be nor usin it terdey ter see ow we gets ont.

Ah waystid too much tyme onnim yesterdey. Av gorra gerron wiv me fings ter do. Eye will avva nuvva go wivoot me camera. It beer shaym not ter capchur it burrit be scarrin im so if eye int lukin then we be nevva know wors apnin. If he gets er wurn or not.
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