Think the forklift trucks have got annoyed now. For the past hour they have been hooting the horns so I have started. Then they drive straight towards my parking spot other side of the fence with lights full bore(I closed the curtains)
Don’t think they have realised my lights shine into there tea room. Guess they won’t be having a 5 mins kip later
If they keep doing it ring the police as they are deliberately disturbing your sleep and they'll get a right b###ocking as it's against the law. Also breaking the law using horns late at night
@Marmaduke have you swapped jobs or going for promotion?
Neither, I'm just adding an ADR qualification to my licence just in case basically. It'll allow my to keep my eyes open for other jobs and stay away from general haulage. Ideally I want to get back to working days and there's a couple of fuel terminals and not far away and a chemical and calor gas plant within drivable distance as well cos as I'm sure you're aware there's some really crap paid jobs out there
Home fuel delivery is good. But tight to some places but as your smaller more drops.
Money & crap companies are all out there...
Enjoy the spannering the weekend @Marmaduke
It's rarely tighter than farm yard milk collections as some of the farms we go to are 150+ years old and were designed for the farm hands to drag milk churns to the end of the road:oops: Now good old farmer Giles leaves piles of scrap, ploughs and tractors in the way which is even more fun in the pitch black:p and don't start me about the rats:eek:
Think the forklift trucks have got annoyed now. For the past hour they have been hooting the horns so I have started. Then they drive straight towards my parking spot other side of the fence with lights full bore(I closed the curtains)
Don’t think they have realised my lights shine into there tea room. Guess they won’t be having a 5 mins kip later
Why are the forkys being nasty?

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