What are your plans for it?

My Grandfather bought her in 1995'ish as a wedding car...
Que photo ;)

1996 this was taken hence the quality!!
She looked real good then, little did we know the filler that was hiding a multitude of sins ;)

I might put her back on the road.

Dunno yet..
Some inspiration for you, unfortunately most of the roadkill episodes have disappeared from YouTube :(

Aye I loved Roadkill, shame they removed it!! :D
MOD was the way forward for them :rolleyes: :D
I quite fancy doing something silly with it, maybe fit a Turbo off a bentley or something, as the manifolds are same just with a flange "fnarr" welded on ;)
330hp and over 550nm is achievable
the N/A engines do have a silly low compression so that may be an issue!
Rubbish I'm afraid.
Any potential job that pays the same as I'm on now will involve more work and/or overtime and nobody wants that.
If it weren't for my mortgage I'd take any job but I need to income to get rid of the mortgage so it's a catch 22 at the moment.
I could always take a lower paying job but all that would do is lengthen the time I'd have a mortgage for and right now my ultimate goal is to get rid of it as soon as I can.
Miserable as you seem to be doing your present job, it is good that you didn't act impulsively and tell 'em what to do with it!:)
A couple years will pass very quickly if you try to look positively at what you've got and what you are soon going to end up with!:)

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