
New Member
...the wife has reservations about practicality and cost.

She agrees in principle that it would be a fun car to own but is trying to be all 'sensible'. What tips can you give me?

I'm after a 110SW either county or XS most probably 2nd hand.

she' right, they are both impractical and expensive and there is nowt sensible about em, but they are good fun.;)
we have a Picasso HDI, a nice, sensible, large family car. But not as cool or as exciting as a defender.

Also, having done 102K miles I'm not sure how much longer it'll last. (being French and all...)
but they are not very good at fighting are they?
cant really build cars either.
they dont speak inglish like what we do.
and i cant get their bread into my toaster.
I got a Defender because it was practical.. It carries a muddy dog shopping hitch hikers, junk and me anywhere i wish to go. It will do it for 300,000 miles (touch wood). Parts are cheep. It will run on biodiesel (9p/litre) *ahem* Does not depreciate as much as many other vehicles and i can sleep on the roof :)

Oh.. and 75% all the ones made are still on the road so would happily argue that it's more enviromentally friendly than a prius. Which is a marketing con anyway.

That convinced my other half.. :)
theres nowt wrong with the french ;)

Yes there is! How long ya got? :p

Re: the fred - A landy's a lot of fun, it'll go on f'rever (with a bit.....ok, for some, a fair bit of maintenance), the whole family can go greenlaning (try that in a Pickarseole), if you don't get one you'll never know whether it was the right thing to do, if it was the wrong thing to do - sell it - unlike almost all other motors, a well looked after Defender will hold it's value well so even if it's the wrong thing to do with luck it won't be an expensive mistake! Oh, & a Landy's a lot of fun...........or did I mention that?

Now, back to the French..................:eek:
Actually, I think there is light at the end of the Land rover owning tunnel. Its just a case of continuous effort until I succeed. At least I laid the groundwork by suggesting a Porsche 928 first...

Go for it buy one keep a smile on your face
when you get in one and drive down the road

leave the wife they cost more :rolleyes:
Yea soz m8, women arnt fans of landrovers (genraly speeking from the ones i know anyway), there too foward thinking (boaring), however there right unfortunaly. Ah well....i just laugh at my own missfortune when the thing dont work:D , for example right now. There is no other car that can cost so much per mile than an old landrover :(

But when they work, they certianly work!
The french ?....arnt they always sunburnt under their arms from walking about with their arms up in the air so often ?

Oh ...and buy the Landy ! it`ll probably last a LOT longer than your present car !

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