
Hello everyone. thanks in advance for any advice.

This is my first landy. its been a dream of mine to own one for years ever since i worked at a gun club about 20 years ago when i used to get picked up in one along with 10 other lads.

i was told it needed 2 patches on the chassis and a new out rigger but when i picked it up i found that was the least of the problems.

after taking the roof off i found that the mounts for the windscreen on the outside and the brackets that fasten the windscreen on the inside are completely rotten. Also the vent are shot and quite a lot of the bulkhead. have a look at the pics and see what you gonna keep taking it apart while i ponder what to do.

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Doesn't look too bad if you can weld, nothing that old will be completely solid unless its been rebuilt
There is no such thing as a 'big job' as far as Landies are concerned ... they are just loads of little jobs, coming along one after the other!

Take your time and it will be worth it in the end :D
There is no such thing as a 'big job' as far as Landies are concerned ... they are just loads of little jobs, coming along one after the other!

Take your time and it will be worth it in the end :D

thanks i think that is the best advice ever it was starting to get me down a bit until i read your post now im ready to find the next little job lol

ill post some more pics afyer my tea and let you guys see what ive uncoverd today
well this is what ive done today. im going to strip it down to the chassis only leaving the running hear and engine in hopefully. and rebuild it bit by bit. its gonna cost a fortune in nuts and bolts alone!

my wife isnt impressed but if she had everything her way im sure she would get bored lol

i have noticed the bearings in the steering column are rough and it wobbles. is it an easy job to change them? the steering box is comming out tomorrow anyway also how do i ckeck the swivle hubs? do i just wobble them while jacked up?

thanks for all your advise so far you really are a nice friendly bunch on here

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jesus effin christ mate thats a hell of a lot to chew from a welders point of view

but it is doable and really worth doing if you can weld then start with the easy bits such as small patches wanting cut out and replaced on the bulkhead if your going that way

if you cant weld get yerself a second hand welder ( plenty of gooduns out there ) and an old barrel and start practising

this is the sort of landy that looks like its been loved to death and its gonna take a hell of a lot of love to put her right again

ill be starting my own resto project sometime next week so if theres anything you need to know or need help with dont hesitate to ask me or anyone on here doing a project were all in the same boat and only too willing to advise on things

admitantly id be heartbroke if mine turns out that rotten but i likes a challenge i does
keep yer chin up dont lose heart and just go fer it coz rebuilding a series is like watching a child grow and itll be all your heard work that does it
theres nothing more sattisfying than getting that MOT pass certificate at the end of it
yeah i can weld, well kind of. im gonna have to get better pretty damn quick. i just hope my cheap electric mig will be up to it or my wife will go spare (again) if i end up buying another lol

i like my projects ive still not quite finished my zzr1100. its still waiting for a piece of exhaust welding*t, more welding lol

johnny curt
where in manchester are you im in stalybridge
yeah i can weld, well kind of. im gonna have to get better pretty damn quick. i just hope my cheap electric mig will be up to it or my wife will go spare (again) if i end up buying another lol

i like my projects ive still not quite finished my zzr1100. its still waiting for a piece of exhaust welding*t, more welding lol

johnny curt
where in manchester are you im in stalybridge

south manchester right next to wythenshawe hospital in newall green the decent side of withy :D:D:D:D
cool thats only 20 mins away. are there any desent green lanes round your way?

have you got your eye on anything specific for a project?
cool thats only 20 mins away. are there any desent green lanes round your way?

have you got your eye on anything specific for a project?
Ive already bought it mate its a series 3 88" ex farm knockabout early seventies model in blue and falling appart. I gotta pick it up later this week. Theres a video link to it on youtube that the seller put on

the link is on me first post on the oh f#*k oh cr4p oh **** thread in the series section

if yer after a welding lesson i could come down in a couple of weeks if yer want

im currently sorting out some bits n bobs like prams n cots at the moment as weve got another little girl due in may and the missus is nesting at the moment
congratulations on the bambino.

it looks like you will have plenty to weld. where is it and how u getting it back it might be a bit dodgey driving it with the door hanging off lol

i have a spare grille if you want it
congratulations on the bambino.

it looks like you will have plenty to weld. where is it and how u getting it back it might be a bit dodgey driving it with the door hanging off lol

i have a spare grille if you want it

its right on the welsh border near north staffs ive got transport sorted i think

as long as me driver dont let me down its going on a trailer i just aint got the correct codes on me liscense to tow it back legaly and knowing me id get a pull so its better not to risk it :D:D:D:D

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