If the brakes a binding then chock the front wheels: lift both rear wheels and spin them when the hand brake is oft. Then out back on the ground and do similar to the front wheels.
Won't start after forcibly moving the gear lever and ignition switch after the wasp incident...
If the auto reads the correct gear on the dash and the LED's by the lever then that will mean the auto's computer can read the lever position correctly, which is backed up by the LED's. That's a good thing. It means the wiring harness for the lever position signal should be ok.
If the car won't start I'm assuming it won't turn over the engine. This could be due to the inhibitor thing mechanism. In theory this stops it starting in anything other than park or neutral. Bearing in mind the wasp incident reaction... I'm wondering if this is the problem. Pic below shows the rear of the ignition, after the switch has been taken oft. I'm wondering if the plastic thing is damaged or fitted incorrectly. It's worth a check:
You MUST disconnect the battery and remove the key from the ignition.
Undo the 2 bolts under the steering wheel column holding the plastic around it and remove the plastic. There's also a rubber thing around the key side of the ignition switch to remove. The 2 plastic bits around the column sort of unclip apart.
Now undo the screws holding the electrical switch on the rear of the ignition and disconnect the electrical connection.
Be very careful not to annoy that bit of plastic/metal in the pic as it has a nasty habit of flying oft. It's a bit of a sod to fit and get right. You may want to take yer own pic ere for ease of fitting if you ever find it again if it escapes.
Hold yer finger on the middle metal looking thing and push in to stop it coming oft.
Now put the key in the ignition and turn it, while watching everything move ok. The car won't start (battery disconnected) but you'll see the mechanism work.
Make sure you put the key (and the mechanism it's controlling) back to the same position it was in when you took the switch off. The switch should slot into the metal middle bit.
Put it all back afterwards in reverse order it was taken apart.
You should also be able to turn the ignition key and feel a click from the plastic near the front of the gear lever plastic, which is the other end of the cable to the pin thing in the pic below.
The wasp who stung you in the neck. Did you get his or her name?
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