now if we could find a way to burn all that unburnt fuel that sneeking past we could up the out put X times
how about if we tip the block on its end, that way the cylinders will be directly inline with the air flow
aye except we've only got one cylinder now, its a big one mind yer.. if we tip it on its side what about the egghost?
reet so to recap.. we took the heid orf cos it was blocking the airflow. then the same fer the pistons and crank, then we opened it up to make one big cylinbder, threw away the manifolds and radiaotor as they just got in the way.

tipped the fooker on its side to improve airflow..

we're onto a winner here but am telling yer we're wasting a lot by letting them unburnt gaeses escape out the back
aye , folk sake wurs charlesy when yer need him.. anyway what wur gonna call this noo injun?
what about some flappy bits at the back so we could direct the egghost gases in what ever direction we want?


  • Iris_vectoring_nozzle.jpg
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yer could put a big bit of cloth over one end and call it a sailboat.
ere ave had a thought! if we tip the fooker up and turn it into the air flow then the landy is gonna be in the way of the egg host!!!!

ave got it!!!!!!! stick a plank like structure out the side and hang the injun off that. then if yer want you could put one on the other side aswell
can i suggest pointing the much improved and unimpeded inlet manifold gas jet at the wheels to spin em? Surely thats why the hiclones in there?
I only want to be in a team that drinks heavily - please bear this in mind before inviting me....

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