I should have said "ONLY forty sheep", so a woman would be welcome . . .

Sheep have trouble with the ironing . . . and they are hopeless cooks.

True..........but they taste better than a woman :D especially with mint sauce and roast potatoes :D
True..........but they taste better than a woman :D especially with mint sauce and roast potatoes :D

Hmmm...... never tried a woman with mint sauce.
It might sting a bit with all that vinegar though.
Where do the roast potatoes go?
I will be helpful . . . here is a pic of the driver's side of the cabin.

I think this should put him off the idea.
Look at the throttle pedal for a start.
It appears that someone stood on it.

Clearly it's ruined...

I'll do you a favour... as you have so many... as this one is wrecked (as per the picture) if you get it transported down to me i'll dispose of it for you, cus i'm a kind thoughtful soul. :p
Clearly it's ruined...

I'll do you a favour... as you have so many... as this one is wrecked (as per the picture) if you get it transported down to me i'll dispose of it for you, cus i'm a kind thoughtful soul. :p

We will need to act quickly - it looks like they are going to ban me again.

see the thread "help advice for sickly disco" the last couple of pages.

I would have taken 76 FL 66 for a little run today but I didn't want to get mud on the tyres.

Tomorrow I will rub down the gas pedal and re-spray it.

If I haven't been banned I will let you know how it looks.

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