Thank your lucky stars it was way in the back! I just bought an ex-army 110 from a very nice man in Birmingham and had to drive it all the way up to Fife. Now I'm from Scotland, so I know rain, but the shower we passed through on that long journey home was almost like a driving underwater! Of course water always finds the path of least resistance and instead of going around my Landy, it figures, 'what the hell, let's just go through it!' Biggest leak? Directly over the accelerator pedal and not just a drip, drip, drip. Oh no. This was a constant pour, right over my foot, which thanks the the suggestion of a fan, stayed a soggy mess all the way home. But there's alway a bright side - at least the number of holes up top are equally matched by the holes below and the the vast quantities of water pouring in, usually finds a way out somewhere. Ingenious!
its meant to leak, if it didn't it would float and loose traction when wading, thats what i tell customers anyway
yeah but they are impossible to fix due to the way they are built, if you strip it to fix one leak, you get another elsewhere, i've been one em for a week trying to make them water tight, you cant do it and anyone who says they can is lying
If the carpet is getting soggy, take it out and put it somewhere to dry.

And leave it there.

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